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tuesday: 6:45

кукла💗: are you free this evening ?

katya💋: yes
katya💋: why?

кукла💗: val wants to see you
кукла💗: and maybe i wanna spend time with my loving girlfriend too
кукла💗: and finally, i'm gonna tell my parents we're dating lol

katya💋: wow baby that is a huge deal! i'm here for you every step of the way
katya💋: i'm so proud of you beatrice joanne elizabeth mattel💞

кукла💗: i love you yerkaterina petrovna zamolodchikova 😄💗
кукла💗: also please never call me beatrice again

katya💋: i love you too and nah i like it
katya💋: beatrice

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