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the party was loud and hot. just your average teenage party really. full of underage drinking and people smoking god knows what.

katya was enjoying herself at first, that was until trixie had become so drunk she couldn't walk in a straight line. katya had promised trixie to stay sober as she was the designated driver. they were sat in circle of their close friends, aquaria was sprawled over miz's lap, sharron was pressed right up against alaska, adore was sat on her own sort of zoned out and dela and kameron were giggling about something.

"guys!" trixie suddenly spoke up. the girls all looked at her. "i have a secret to tell everyone but you can't let katya know i told you." katya perked up at this, she wandered what trixie was going to say. "katya and i had one really romantic night in la. she put rose petals all over the bed and there were candles lit everywhere. and guys when she came in she was wearing this super sexy nighty, you don't even understand how hot she looked." said trixie, grinning. "okay that's probably enough trix." said katya. "no katya it isn't i haven't got to the best bit." trixie said, drunkenly.

"no one wants to hear about your sex life." cracker, hiccuped. "but guys katya is a b-" katya slammed her hand onto trixies mouth. "okay that is definitely enough." said katya. "what katya, you're so whipped for trixie, it's not like we all already knew you were a bottom." alaska said, slowly.

"right i'm taking trixie home. thanks for a good night aqua." said katya and dragged a stumbling trixie out the house.

"i can't believe you exposed me like that." said katya, once they were driving back to trixies house. "alaska said it not me." trixie quipped. katya sighed and concentrated on driving. she managed to get trixie home without the girl even throwing up. mrs mattel opened the door and took one look at her daughter before pulling both the girls inside.

"i'm sorry mrs m, she just had one drink too many." explained katya. "i can see that, thank you for being responsible and bringing her home." trixies mum replied.

katya bid her goodbyes and let trixies mum deal with the mess that was trixie. she couldn't wait to see how bad trixies hangover was tomorrow.

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