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the girls had found themselves on a beach. that's where katya had driven them. they had placed their jackets down underneath them and were admiring the sun going down.

"trixie." said katya. "yes babe." trixie said, with her head resting on katyas shoulder. "do you want to go to prom with me?" katya asked. trixie felt her heart beating faster at those very words. katya got more and more nervous as trixie took longer to reply. "of course baby!" said trixie and slammed her lips onto katyas.

"i thought you were going to say no." said katya, between kisses. "i just forgot to reply." said trixie giggling and placing a few chaste kisses on katyas lips before they started to walk back hand in hand to katyas bike.

"you know trixie you still have a few hours until your curfew and i have a free house." katya said, winking. "oh really?" trixie teased. "let's go baby." trixie whispered. katya turned on the bike and drove back to her house eagerly.

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