Chapter 1

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Vanessa: Mmmm.

Mom: Girl you better wake up. *slapping me awake*

Vanessa: No!

Mom: You better wake yo ass for school.

Vanessa: I don't wanna go to school.

Mom: You going today little girl

My mom pulled me outta bed and literally  drag me all the way to the shower. I'm suprised my mom ain't beat me while she draging me.

Mom: If you ain't in ready by 25 mins yo ass gunna know wassup. I don't care if you think you grown you not gunna do the same shit you did ya last school. I switched you to another school for a reason.

Vanessa: Yeah mom.

Mom: Now  getcho dirty ass in that gadamn shower.

Vanessa  P. O. V

My mom switched my school cause I use to skip school or wouldn't even bother getting up for school. I stole things. I invaded people houses. I did all these things. Why? Because I hanged with the wrong crowd. I honestly did and that crowd I hang with? They set me up one day and jump me. Till that day I just changed. I change to new school.  Move to a new house and everything. So yeah, today was my first day of school. My mom drove me to school. I was with the assistant principal in her office getting to know my schedule and all that. I hadda take my I.D picture on my first day here. Where they do that at?

Assistant principal: Alright,  step on up and smile.

This lady was all in my face with this bogus ass camera. I gave a little grin. We both walked up to the laptop and looked at my picture. It looked like a fucking mug shoot. I was ugly man. She crop my face in ever more. Like? What.. The.. Fuck.. So she made my I.D. It was kinda cool.

Assistant principal: Alright sweety, wait outside the chair I'll call you in a few.

As I nodd my head. I sat down on the chair.

I see these two boys together. They looked like they was funna pull a stunt tryna flirt with me but I went about my business and looked at my phone... She came back and brought me inside the class. I wasn't the only student who was new. The two boys who was tryna stunt was new and then this white girl her names Ricky

This lady introduced us about the school yadda yadda yadda.

After that we went to business doing work...

My ass ain't know what the hell I was suppose to do.




I started getting use to this school

It was kinda cool. I have this one teacher he is so funny, He's name is Mr. Grain. He should be a comedian, but yet so ugly which makes everything he says funny. I'm always messing with him. I was kinda hungry so I told Mr.Grain and he wrote me a pass and everything. So I walk to the vending machine pull out my dollar and put it in the vending machine. 

Vanessa: Damn what should I get?

It was all these choices to choose from. I was looking at that vending machine for a good minute. I picked out the blue Doritos. I press the button to get my chips it started to move then it stop

Vanessa: Oh hell naw. This machine ain't tryna steal my chips.

I kicked the vending so many times thinking it was gunna work.

Jaquan: Keep kicking like it you gone break ya leg. *Smirking at me*

Vanessa: I am hungry.. Can you help take out my stuff out.

Jaquan: I can shake it out for you.  *shakes the vending machine*

Vanessa: Ohhhhhh okay I see you you gotta little strength .

Jaquan: You already know haa!

Vanessa: Don't get a big head cause I won't.

Jaquan: I won't. But why I never seen you around before.

Vanessa: Uh maybe cause it's a big school.

Jaquan: This school ain't that big. It's decent size.

Vanessa: Yeah you right.  But I guess you can say I'm kinda new.  I came to WaltsAve High bout like 5 weeks ago.

Jaquan: Oh nah.. Really?

Vanessa: Yup.

Jaquan: You like it here?

Vanessa: Yeah it's straight.

Jaquan: What classes you got?

Vanessa: Well to be honest I don't know all they names but I have Mr. Grain right now.

I actually learned alot stuff here then my old school .

Jaquan: His E.T looking ass. I got him too.

Vanessa: Haha your crazy

Jaquan: I'm saying though

Vanessa: Well... I am gunna be a little thirsty after I eat these chips *coughs* You got a dollar?

Jaquan: Oh nah.  I don't carry chomp change.

Vanessa: *squinting my eyes* OH! So you calling me a chomp?

Jaquan: Nah, nah, nah I'm saying though.

Vanessa: Mhm whatever. Well,  nice meeting you. I gotta go. Mr. Grain timing my ass.

Jaquan: Ight

Vanessa: See you around.

I tryed to hurry up and head back to class, I got there right in time and sat down and then Jaquan comes in and opens the door.


Jaquan: Aye I ain't get ya name though?

Mr.Grain: Son if you don't get yo ass to class boy.

Jaquan: Look old man I ain't ya son. Don't worry bout me and do yo job. *Walking  towards me*

Mr. Grain: Boy don't make me call security

Jaquan: *Sucks teeth* Chill though forreal. I'ma leave.  What's your name?

Vanessa: My name? My name is Vanessa.

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