Chapter 18

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I followed the doctor and he brought me to see Jaquan. He was laying there.

Doctor: Now see Jaquan.. He did fell really hard on his head. He got shot in the chest he lost alot of blood but... I'd say he's a very lucky man. I mean you are likely to die in situations like this.

Vanessa: Hmp.. 

Doctor: Yes. Do you have questions no?

Vanessa: How long will he stay here?

Doctor: I'd say... Less then perhaps a week. But I'm not sure. So don't count on it.

Vanessa: Alright. I-

I stop and begin to throw up. Ever since I step in this place I felt sick but mostly I felt so nausea. I then  throw up some more. The doctor was shocked and called in a couple nurses to clean up the my vomit.

Doctor: Are you okay?  Do you some water? or anything? 

Vanessa: Yes please

Doctor: Sandy can you get me some water

Nurse: Yes doc.

He then turns to me

Doctor: It's crazy for you to be throwing up like that.

Vanessa: I know

Doctor: That's crazy...

Vanessa: It really is but I am feeling a bit nauseous. Maybe I'm just sick or something.

Doctor: Hmp... What seem to be the problem your head? Your stomach?

Vanessa: Both but I'm fine

Doctor: Well I'll take your word for it.

Vanessa: Yeah

Doctor: I'm going to step out. I'll let you spend time with the Jaquan.

Vanessa: Ok.

The Doctor walks out and I'm just sitting there looking at Jaquan. And just stand up and stood infront of him and kiss his forhead and spoke to him. I don't care. if he's not awake but I just want stuff to get off my chest.

Vanessa: It's all my fault. It feels like everything's my fault. You wouldn't be here. I'm sorry.  I'm sorry for everything. And even though we spend our good moments I'll never forget them I just hope you'll be okay in the end.

I cried and left the hospital. I couldn't take it.

I called Sid

*Phone Convo*

Sid: Hey fish

Vanessa: Sid *crying* I need you. Come to Porel hostipal

Sid: What what's wrong you okay and what is you doing over there?

Vanessa: I'll tell you when you get here just please come

Sid: Alright

*End of convo*

I stood out the hostipal for 20 mins.  Then see Sids mom car pull up.

Sid: Nessa

Vanessa: *open the door*

Sid: Wassup girl like why you here

Vanessa: You know how uh I told you how I was gunna make Jaquan met my mom.

Sid: Yeah so?

Vanessa:Well she met him but...

Sid: She tried to kill em' ain't it. See Nessa I told you. Yo momma crazy asa a motherfucka.

Vanessa: Sid be serious right now.

Sid: I AM.

Vanessa: Like forreal.

Sid: Ok.. Shesh

Vanessa: She met him and she liked him.

Sid: Okay what's the big deal

Vanessa: Shutup and let me finish Sid..

Sid: Ok...

Vanessa: Alright well we hadda bring Jerry home and he wasn't feeling well and then Jaquan hadda put gas and Jerry went inside to go pay gas for him while Jaquan waits for so he can put in the gas and so Jerry come out and then some black car come.. and I see a nigga with all black came out the car  and approach Jerry  and next thing you know Jaquan goes after him and the guy goes after Jaquan. I come out the car and push the guy tryna save Jaquan and Jaquan gets shot anyways and I pulled off the guys mask and it was Dimitri. Would you believe that? He got up and put a bullet In my head I'm just crying cause I found out he in the game. He selling, killing and doing the same shit Jaquan doing and he put a gun in my face and spit at me and threatened me and everything. And you know what I did?  I shot him. Like I hated nigga for my whole life. But I love him. I love my brother. But there's something called self defense. I'm not get kilt cause I wanna do what I wanna do.

Sid: Wow... I don't know what to say. Is they alright?

Vanessa: They?  Only Jaquan is okay. He's in the hospital right now the doctor said he'd be there less then a week.

Sid : That's good. He awake?

Vanessa: No..  I wish.

Sid: Hold up do ya momma know about this?

Vanessa: No.. But I'm scared I'll tell her tomorrow. I wanna sleep in your place.

Sid: Girl you come to me anytime you need me. I told you I'm always there for you.

Vanessa: Sid.. I love you

Sid: I love you too

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