Broken Hearted

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"I love you Deku. Do you wanna date?" Her heat shattered into a million pieces. Uraraka stood behind a corner and heard Asui confess to Deku. Sure they'd been hanging out recently, but she thought she was way closer to him than Asui. "A-Asui I had no idea." Really though, even last night Deku had feelings for Uraraka still. There was no way he woul- "S-sure." "I'm so happy, Deku! Could I call you Izuku?" Uraraka slid down the wall and hugged her knees making sure not to make a sound. She heard an approving 'mhmm' from Deku.

She stood up and with silent tears and started walking to her room. She passed a few people on the way but they kept up the act from yesterday and only looked at her with sadness and longing. Suddenly she felt pressure on her shoulder. "Uraraka are you okay?" She looked up to see... no one. "I'm fine Toru." Uraraka said obviously sad. "Hey, Tor-" "No Jirou!" The dark haired girl took a step back and Toru continued. "Those things Asui said about Uraraka. Do you all believe them?" She targeted all the girls there and Mina walked in. They all looked uneasy and conflicted. "Uraraka would never do those things she told us. When would she even have the time?" They all stayed silent, kirishima walked in as he was with Mina before she entered and so did Todoroki. Mina walked up and hugged Uraraka from the side. "She wouldn't. That's the point." She said the second part more sad. "Uraraka's always worked for the things she wants. She works for her own apartment for crying out loud. She wouldn't go out with some old guys for money. I know she wouldn't and you can't say otherwise."

She yelled the last bit. Uraraka was just hearing about this particular rumor that only made her cry more and who started it. Asui? Why? ... for Deku. Asui, and basically everyone knew that before all this chaos, Uraraka and Deku were really close. She zoned back into the convo of her friends, trying to not cry to loud. "Momo even told us that last night Bakugou protected her form some old guy. She was even crying when she walked in the dorms!" Kirishima was just know hearing Asui started the rumors along with the train information.

"Maybe- Maybe Asui's the liar! Ever think about that?!" Mina yelled, tugging Uraraka and Toru our of the room. Todoroki looked at Kirishima and they both shared a moment of silence before running after Uraraka. "Yo, Uraraka. I'm sorry how I treated you this morning, it wasn't very manly. I never though Asui would be one to start such horrible rumors." His Head lowerednin shame.

"Uraraka, we'll fix this. Even if it's just the six of us." Uraraka counted her friends including her. "Six?" She stifled our of her cry's. "Bakugou's still your friend. The guys told him and he didn't believe them. I was there." Uraraka felt happy hearing Bakugou didn't believe the rumors but was embarrassed of wondering what he did think of that.

The five of them all entered the kitchen where luckily, everyone left after having breakfast. "I'm gonna go see what they're saying, I'll be back guys" Kirishima said doing a slightly quick walk. "Listen Ochako I'm really sorry. I only believe Asui since I knew her to be so honest." Ashido pouted. "It's okay Mina, but what you did tonight was wonderful and I'm very thankful. I just think everyone else won't believe what you said to defend me, I just have a feeling..." Uraraka said placing her head in her hands.

Suddenly loud stomps were heard until the suspect arrived after turning a corner. "I heard dumbasses were making fun of you again Uraraka is that true!?" He yelled at her with a dark aura coming off him. Uraraka popped up and waved her hands. "You don't have to worry of it Bakugou, I don't want to get you in the middle of everything." "I'll fucking kill whoever sta-"

"Guys!" Kirishima swung around the corner, looking worriedly at Uraraka. "Asui and Deku are a couple. They just said they were, come on." He ran back out. Mina went to place a hand on Uraraka's shoulder. "Are you okay Ochako? I know you and Deku were clos-" "I'm alright" Uraraka said swiftly, looking down a bit. "I heard the confession my self this morning." Uraraka stood up and had sorrowful looks sent her way till Todoroki went up and hugged her. "It's okay Uraraka, he doesn't deserve you anyways." Uraraka hugged back with a hum of agreement. 'The height difference!' Mina was heard whisper yelling to herself. He then let go with a slight tint to his cheeks and so did Uraraka.
"We should all go before the others get suspicious of us." Todoroki said. Mina nodded and walked with Toru behind the duel eye colored boy.

Uraraka walked out but a strong grip wrapped itself around her wrist. She turned her head. "Bakugou?" He held a red blush on his face and avoided eye contact. "You don't just have Todoroki to run to." He rasped gripping your hand tighter, making eye contact. "I'm here for you too, Ochako." He looked so sincere and gentle as he took her into a soft hug. She blushed softly and excepted it by leaning into him. "I know." She rested her chin on his chest and smiled up at him. "Don't worry, I won't ever forget about you." He blushed and released her lightly.
"Let's get going. Don't cry over that shitty Deku. He's missing out." He walked ahead and stopped at the corner. "I'm glad you like the bracelet." He eyed her wrist and went on without her. Uraraka flsuhed and held her wrist close to her. She smiled and walked on to the others. There was a slight sting she'd have to see them together again but for Bakugou she wouldn't cry... For Katsuki... this bracelet reminded her that he really cared for her.

"Yeah were a couple now! Kero!" Asui gripped Deku's hand and he got flustered covering his face. Many 'cutes' and 'how sweets' were passed to them. "We were thinking about having a little celebration if you guys wouldn't mind?" Asui put a finger on her mouth blushing profusely. "Sure!" Jirou said. Momo then walked up to the two. "We should celebrate tomorrow night!" She clasped her hands together. Everyone agreed and went back to their rooms for it was actually pretty late.

Todoroki walked past Uraraka and patted her head softly. "Goodnight Uraraka." He said gently before walking to his room. Bakugou then walked by looking angry and ruffled her hair instead. She closed her eyes shut do to the intense head pat. "Night fucker." He stomped the rest of his way to his room. Their classmates were all there to see what happened and had confused but subtle looks on their faces till Mina and Toru came to her. "Let's well you back to your room Ochako!" Mina said. "O-okay." They three talked and laughed as the rest of their classmates watched them mingle with Uraraka. They all continued to their own rooms, and so did Deku after giving Asui a quick kiss and wave goodbye.

However, after Deku left, Asui had a grim look on her face. "Stupid Ochako chan... Oh well. I know she has feelings for him still, I could see the look of pain I her eyes kero! I'll just show her how much Deku loves me." That night she walked to Deku's door and made sure she'd walk out in front of everyone.

Uraraka sighed. She went to the roof to relieve stress and feelings. She walked to the railing and put her head down. The moonlight was enough to see her tears on the railing. Urarka wiped them away and sighed. "I wish I could just forget about him. Everyone. I know they all hate me..." she pouted.

"So they do Ochako-Chan~" Uraraka spun on her heel, hearing that voice. "Your friends hate you. Face it. The dirty looks they give you every morning? Asui spread those rumors. How can you trust your classmates if you can't even trust your closest friend~?" The last part was suddenly right next to Uraraka's ear as a hand caressed her cheek from behind. Uraraka whipped around and backed up to see her oppresser. "Toga?"

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