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Chapters will now update every Sunday or Saturday, depending on when I feel it's ready to be published. Thank you.

Uraraka could not explain the instant fear she felt. She felt stiff as she recognized the dark hair and dis-colored skin. "Recruit?" He said with light annoyance in his voice, but it still sounded so nonchalant. He walked towards Uraraka who was scared for her well being. He stopped in front of her, and looked her up n' down. "Villain? She's practically a cartoon character look at her." He placed his hands on her shoulder ever so gently and turned her to Toga's view. Toga looked at Uraraka up and down just like Dabi. "I know! Ins't she perfect?"  She clasped her hands together and did a short spin on her heel. He let go of Uraraka and her shoulders didn't move as she watched him walk over to Toga. "Perfectly soft, no one would be scared of that. Shes not even psycho or creepy like you. No one would believe it." 'I'm going to die here' was all Uraraka thought as the two continued on. 'He's not excepting me to be a Villain, so he'll probably kill me to keep this encounter a secret right? He looks like the person to kill someone actually...' As her thoughts went on about all that could go wrong, she was pulled back into reality as Toga started walking up to her.

Arms came up from behind her, they quickly wrapped around her. Since it was Toga's touch, something she was more familiar with, Uraraka released a breath she was holding for  while now, and her shoulders relaxed but the intense stare from Dabi's deep blue eyes was still unsettling. "I know. Isn't it the perfect idea though?" Dabi crossed his arms, obviously starting to get where Toga was going with this. "A sweet-foolish girl, loyal to her teachers, her classmates, even after all the awful tings they said about her." Toga's grip tightened when she said the last part. "I'd murder them all if I could." She whispered just for Uraraka. "no one would expect her Dabi! A cute girl like Ochako-Chan- a villain? They would never believe it! They would never believe she made friends with a couple of villains. I mean.. they don't even believe her now~"

Dabi walked up to her and Toga's arms fell behind her, as he stopped right in front of her, causing Uraraka to look up right into his bright eyes. "Do you want to be a Villain girl?" A true and genuine question. She never thought she'd hear it so soon. Yes? No? "Maybe." She said. He 'hmph-ed' and, took a step back. "why not a clear answer?" He asked. Toga, still smiling, spoke up before her. "Her friend's do hate her, besides a few. Maybe those are holding her back?" She looked to Uraraka, and the burnette nodded looking down. "It's true that most of them hate me, but... i want to cherish the few i have left, what would they think about me becoming a villain. They'd hate me for sure after that..." "You'd have us, Ochako-Chan!" Toga lifted both their hands she had just clasped together. "everyone is really nice!" "Surprisingly" A small mumble came from Dabi. "we'd treat you like family, give you a place to sleep!" Her list continued non-stop as Uraraka made eye-contact with Dabi through the whole banter. He looked away after a while. "It's your choice. We'll give you three days." He said. She was hesitant but nodded slightly.

"I'm not sure if this will change your mind, but... I heard the reason you wanted to become a Hero was for money, so your parents could live luxurious lives and rest easy. The League of Villains have a few donors. We could definitely give you some." She took in the thought and it surprised her. They'd pay her as a Villain? It was an Obvious bribe, but It was still what she needed, and she could start in a few days at that! She couldn't even be sure if she could become a hero, what if her quirk wasn't good enough? This new information affected her deeply, and being bad was always so much... easier. "I should have my mind made up by then." Uraraka spoke firmly, not a peel of fright in her voice. The two villains smiled, Toga's being extremely wide. "Ochako-Chan I'm so excited!" A murderous hug from the blonde girl was tight and rough. A small smile formed on Uraraka's face. She hadn't been cherished by a girl her age like this for a while. When did things start moving so fast? Toga felt like a friend, better then some others at least. "I should get going, the friends I came out here with will wonder where i am and i wouldn't want the coming over here and killing you guys now." She unwrapped Toga's arms from her and gently pushed her away. "Guess I'll see you guys in a few days.." Uraraka waved them off before walking into the light of he sunset and away from the dark alleyway. "She's a nice pick, Toga. We'll get her."

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