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Sweet. It was a melody to her ears.  The small phone booth, the door slightly open letting in some chilly air. The once raspy and deep voice of Bakugou Katsuki was the one thing that finally brought her to her knees.

"Ochako?" He rasped, hinted with desperation and need. "K-kastuki." Uraraka whimpered into the cold phone as warm streaks slid down her pink cheeks. "Ochako! Where are you!? What happened!? I'll come get y-!" Uraraka cried and cried, and almost told him but... "I- I miss you." She said, her eyes squinting as they shined in the light of the sky. The stars had come out, so many that it seemed like someone shown a soft blue light on her through the glass of the phone booth.

"Tell me where you are! Now! Right now!" Bakugou sounded desperate as shuffling and loud noises were heard from the other end. "Please!" He begged her, his voice cracking in the slightest but ever so noticeable. "I-..." She tried to speak, so much she wanted to say, how much she wanted to be held in his strong arms, but something prevented her. "Asui." She cried. "Who gives a shit about frog bitch! Come home!" Home. "I don't h-have one anym-more." Her breathing hitched and raged as her chest lifted up and down quickly. However he disagreed with her. "I'm your home! No one else, so come back right now!" This made her sad. He would take her in, she would be a mess. But she'd be his mess. "Bakugou who're you screaming at?" Mina's cheerful voice broke her hard gasps of air. "It's Ochako, I'm gonna find her!" Wishful thinking. No doubt Mina was surprised how he used her first name, and the fact he had her on the phone, but Uraraka heard a faint thud after thud and noise in the background. "For fucks sake, don't tell them-!" Suddenly it sounded as if the phone was ripped from his hand. "You bitch! It's your fault- give my damn phone you fuck-!" "Ochako-chan!"

In all of an instant, Uraraka's breathing stopped, and her once sad expression was replaced with... annoyance. "Weird." Hitched breathing was heard, along with more footsteps. "Uraraka-san?" Deku? She guessed she was on speaker, as she didn't hear Asui's breathing but a group of people's. "Wh-what's weird, Ochako kero?" There it is again. "Please don't call me that, Asui." She made a sound indicating she understood but was slightly unsettled. "Anyway, it's weird-." Before she could even finsish her explanation, she spoke up. "I feel it's weird you aren't here! So come back, Uraraka-Sa-!" "God, do you not let anyone finish!?" The line was silent, no doubt surprised that Uraraka had yelled at Momo. Though she didn't feel sorry for yelling, in fact it felt pretty good. To be mad at her. "I was saying it was weird... that how not even five minutes ago, I was crying. Crying to Bakugou-kun about all my problems." She blushes once more at the thought, but only slightly as she was still filled with rage and impatience.

"-and now, after I heard Asui's voice... it's as if wish I didn't call." She finished but nobody knew what to say. She had thought even Bakugou was shocked, since the struggles to retrieve his phone had halted. Suddenly more shuffling was heard, "Uraraka-San." Deku, wait. How long would this pay phone last? Only then did she feel a presence watching her.
"Please come back, without you it's dull and dark. We're happy you're okay, but to make things better for everyone, come back to us." A 'Tch' was heard from Bakugou, and Uraraka, on her knees in the phone booth, only heard what Deku said. "What about your girlfriend, are you saying she's not enough to light up your life? Your new innocent relationship can't shine the dark away for everyone!?" She felt her eyes get watery but her voice did not change tone at all. "Come back? I'm not alone, I'll try to visit you though, Deku-kun." She squeezed the phone, recalling wanting to see him smile though she knew what she said would never make him show it. "Uraraka!" Gross. "What, Asui?" She took a shaky breath, but Uraraka didn't care, her expression bland and bored. "I'm sorry I took Midoriya!" Uraraka's eyes widened at her words. Was she finally going to apologize.

A series of light gasps were heard on the other end, but then she- sHE. Uraraka's face scrunched up in hatred and despair at what the frog girl had said. "I had no idea you liked him, I didn't know you got so sad, I should've- been there for you kero!"


"Do you ever stop?" The room of soon to be heroes, got quiet. "S-stop, kero? Stop wha-?" "LYING!" ... "if you became a hero, I would be disgusted, I would rather die than have you save me. I might as well be saved by Villains, cause let me tell all of you right now-." She didn't think.

"-They're doing hell of a lot better at saving me, than any of you ever did!!!"

And with that, she hung up the phone, and just wanted to go back to Toga. But she couldn't move, and just sat there crying with anger. She kicked and pushed on the sides on the glass in rage. Thinking she totally just got em'.

After a few more kicks she got tired and slid down to cry. She let it all out before a knock was heard on the door of the booth. She looked up surprised but in a way, oddly safe. They opened the door to her as she looked back down. "Hello, hello, didn't know this was a booth for crybaby Villains." He stood there by the door. "Shigaraki." She whispered back. "I'm sorry- I-I told them." He didn't move, making her feel she was going to die right there. "They're to stupid to get it... stop crying." He sounded almost disgusted before he crouched down and placed all but one of his fingers on her back. "Strong Villains don't cry. And you're strong. If you let yourself be." Without actually doing so, he referred to the night of that murder. "You hold lots of potential, and if that school seen any, you would've been found already." She looked up at him, eyes still watery but the tears had stopped. He flicked her forehead and stood up. "Ow." He grabbed her wrist before she was able to rub the pain on her head. "Don't cares it. Leave it be." She whined as she stood up too. "But it hur-." "No it doesn't. Ignore it." She didn't know how to ignore the hurt on her head. So she stood there, not rubbing it or making any kind've 'this hurts' face. Though before she knew it, the pain died down and she was fine. "It's gone." She said bluntly. "Because you didn't focus on it." He turned around and indicated her to follow. "If you learn to endure what hurts you, it will eventually not cause you any distress." She jogged up to him to catch up for her slight delay, before walking next to him. "I heard what you said." He mumbled. Uraraka let a sweat loose and braced for a punishment of some sort. "We will always be here to save you. You're one of us now, a Villain. We're your family." Yes, he said it genuinely, but also wondering if that's how people with feelings wanted to hear stuff.

She looked down at the floor as he stopped in front of her and turned to face her. "C'mon..." she whispered, whipping her face. "I just got done crying." This was awkward for her, but she seen that she was by Toga's apartment after their surprisingly short walk. She wouldn't have to be embarrassed. "Thank you." She said, he didn't react and only stared at her. "For saving me." She ran into a hug, where he yelled softly to be careful. "Did you forget in literally destroy everything I touch?" She squeezed in a happy and cheerful manner. "No, but if a hug from you was the last thing I would've gotten, I wouldn't be upset." He scoffed and placed his head on top of hers. "Yeah yeah." He pat her back and directed to himself whispered. "I wouldn't have mind either."

When she went to sleep that night, she couldn't get the phone call out of her head. Her friends were good. They were good. She told herself. Most of them. "I'll save the ones who believed in me. Everyone else will... will..." Did she even know? What would happen to those she wouldn't save. Save from what? Just rotten friends? Anyone could overcome those. Why couldn't she? She signed to herself in the dark of the living room. "I'll get Mina, Kirishima and Toru and... Katsuki." She was coming home. One way or another.

Hello, before we get any ideas about Shigaraki and Ochako, it's meant to be a sibling relationship. Nothing more, thanks.

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