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The smoke in front of everyone's eyes faded and stared in shock. "Kero?" Asui said shakily as she seen a green tuff of hair in front of her. "Are you oaky... Tsuyu?" Deku said before slowly falling onto her. "Izuku! Izuku are you alright!?" She said in a panic as he looked up at her and nodded. Bakugou ran towards the Villain who accepted he was going to be taken captive or whatever. "Well I tried." He said as he raised his hands and Bakugou stopped his momentum only to grip the guys neck. Taking him to the Pro-Hero's, he was sat down and tied up by their dear teacher. Bakugou only looked at him with his resting face, "What did you say earlier?" The man hummed and looked up. "Your all she talks about. That girl." He said once more. This caught the blondes attention and Aizawa's. "Who is she?" Bakugou asked with a sudden rush and worry. "Never really learned her actual name now that I think about It, or I'm too old to remember." He chuckled, but he did have a glint in his eyes when he described her. "Short brown hair, brown eyes, pink cheeks." He described. "Well it sounds boring when you say it- more like silky soft hair, shining eyes, squishy pink cheeks." He corrected though no one asked him to. Aizawa ignored what Bakugou just said for both of them and directed his attention to the man. "Uraraka Ochako. Where is she?" A few of the students had gathered round, Todoroki, Momo, Mina, and Kirishima. He laughed, "Probably watching this whole thing. She's not to far the kid." Aizawa only tightened the restraints to make the man stop his laughter. "What do you mean? Where-" Before he could finish Bakugou took the man by his shirt collar, and wanted to eat to the point. "I already know she chose to leave." "What are you-" Aizawa spoke before Bakugou caught him off again. "When we were teaching for her in the forest, I almost had her. But she retracted her hand from mine." His classmates stared in dismay and Aizawa looked dissatisfied with himself. "So I know she's a Villain know-" Bakugou said, the words still foreign to them. "But I'm gonna get her back." He said letting go. "Definitely." The blonde walked away, specifically toward the two green haired boy and girl. Mina and Momo followed. "Do you think she's really apart of all this?" Mina said. Momo only stayed silent and hoped not.

Deku had been patched up after being shot. He could barely move but stayed settled on his knees to face his lover. "This is your fault frog bitch." Bakugou said. "H-hey Kaccha-" "Shut up!" His eyes darting from Asui to Deku, and back to Asui, who gave a unsettling look. She truly felt bad, but what could she do now? Bakugou walked back to lean against a wall, eager to go find Ochako.

Asui looked away to the rubble. "Tsuyu, it's okay. You didn't do anything wrong." Deku told her as he touched her cheek. She only held back more tears because she knew full well she did anything but the good to her friend. "I-" She choked up, but Deku pet her hair to calm her down. He placed his forehead on hers and started to lean in for a comforting kiss.

That was til they both seen a dark figure coming from the side as they both backed away from each other hurriedly. As if time slowed down, they both got the chance to see a slick shiny knife go right between them, and it's holder. "Uraraka..." Deku said quietly as they made eye contact and time returned to normal. Uraraka slid on her gloves hands, pushed herself up to land on her feet facing the couple, and jumped to the top of a lamppost nearby. Her dark crouched figure against the burning city that fireman were so desperately trying to put out, striking fear in those who watched her straighten her back to stand. She looked down to see her little frog friend hold her cheek, before noticing her knife a drip of blood on it. "Aw... didn't hit my target." She whispered, upset with herself.

Her classmates and teacher, along with a few other Pro Heroes Locke's their eyes on her seeing a threat.
Though when her class and Aizawa's eyes adjusted to her, they seen her very noticeable trait of her pink cheeks. "O-Ochako?" Mina said in a shaky voice and frightened expression. Ochako's eyes though dull as ever, found a glimmer in them while she looked at the pink girl. Her dark, shimmering eyes pinpointed everyone she was to steal for herself. Spiky red hair, Floating gloves, Dual colored hair... including Mina, they were all there besides... "Uraraka!" The girls face lit up in joy hearing a deep and raspy voice. Her eyes shifted to spiky blonde hair and deep crimson eyes. "Bakugou!" It was as if a small bit of her completely sane memory still remained as she didn't call him by his first name in front of her peers. She smiled as he looked at her. He held such an angry expression, yet had pain laced into his eyes. Toga and Dabi has just arrived, standing a good distance from the Heroes and Students in the empty street. Uraraka made her way off the lamppost and to her fear family, wearing a shining smile.

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