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-Lawless pov-
It can't be right? She standing right in front of me. But that day she was dead I saw there was blood , then how? Maybe she just look like her but her name is the same.
-y/n pov-
Shit, he knows am alive. Not only that now I have to fight him.
Mahiru- y/n have you met him before?
Y/n-no!.....maybe!.....ok yes!
Mahiru- how?! When?!
Y/n- like a long time a ago, a long long time Ago . But only lawless not him.
Ash- so you know what happened?
Mahiru- huh? Wait y/n like how long?
Y/n-what?you think am old or something!? And what are you talking about ash?
Mahiru- no no no! I just wanted to know you see. Cause you said a long time.
Lawless- it is really you y/n, but how? Where were you?
When I looked at lawless he looked like he was about to cry. When I was about to say something I was transported to the apartment.
Sakuya-y/n your ok!
Y/n- sakuya I can't ....breathe
Sakuya -sorry, I was just worry. You took forever and I...I..thought I lost you
Y/n-sakuya don't cry, look am ok you see
Tsubaki- princess your ok!
Belkia- ha so you made it
Otogirl- that's great
Shamrock- you know master was worry! You should come faster.
Y/n- sorry, there was some difficulty when I was there
Tsubaki- that's enough, so princess was it great seeing him?
Y/n- I don't know
When everything had come down y/n went to her room and got ready to sleep.when she was about to go to bed she heard a knock
Y/n- who is it!?
Sakuya- it's me
Y/n-come in
Sakuya- y/n can I ....
Y/n-can you, what?
Sakuya- sleep here tonight
Y/n- um....sure, are you still worry what had happened?
Sakuya- yea. I can't get of my chest I need to know if you're ok, because your like a sister to have no idea what I was thinking
Y/n-ok, I feel the same your like a big brother
When sakuya and y/n got ready to sleep, y/n couldn't sleep she had kept  repeating the scene when she saw lawless.she was crying till she fell asleep. She didn't know sakuya was still awake and he felt bad. Seeing the person he cared about cry
Sakuya- it's ok y/n no one is going to hurt you
(You and sakuya sleeping)

 Seeing the person he cared about crySakuya- it's ok y/n no one is going to hurt you(You and sakuya sleeping)

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