Nash Grier

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 Cuddles and Kisses

You were sprawled out on the couch, curled into a ball on your boyfriend Nash’s chest. He was radiating heat like the sun, but there was still a blanket draped over your small body, and Pitch Perfect played softly in the background. You and Nash often had nights like this when he was home; just talking about everything, not going to bed until early morning, falling asleep in his arms. Nothing could bother you when you were with Nash like this, and he made you feel so safe and secure no matter what the situation. Not to mention you were madly in love with each other, so every second you spend with him is the best moment of your life, in your opinion. Hey, call it cheesy, but you’re young and in love.

He tightened his arms around your little waist, and shoved his face into the crook of your neck, your back laid against his chest. He breathed softly onto your neck and it tickled slightly, making you giggle and wiggle a bit. You could feel his face stretch into a smile, and he kissed your neck really lightly, making your heart melt. “You’re cute.” You said in a whisper, wrapping your short legs into his long ones, making a tangle of your two bodies. “I’m sexy.” He said smugly, and you rolled your eyes playfully, shifting in his arms so you were now facing him, you legs around his waist, but not in a sexual way.

"I don’t know about THAT." You said playfully again, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. He flashed his beautiful, pearly white smile at you, making your knees feel weak. "Oh come on, just admit it. I’m pretty sexy. At least that’s what you said last night." He winked at you, smirking. You immediately flushed a deep crimson, embarrassed even though no one else was around to hear him say that. He laughed loudly at your embarrassment, and you smacked him playfully on the chest. "Fine, I guess you’re pretty sexy." You said whilst falling into his chest, allowing your head to settle into the curve of his neck, your chest pressed against his. You could hear his steady heartbeat, your favorite sound, as he breathed in and out.

"I love you." You whispered, a small smile stretching onto your face. It’s only been recently since you told each other that you love each other, and every time you said it butterflies fluttered in your stomach, and you blushed a little bit. "I love you more baby." He said back, slightly rocking your bodies back and forth, calm and lulling. You kissed his neck gently like he did to you, and you could see goosebumps raise on his skin, making you giggle into his shirt. His big hands wrapped around you, so he was crushing you against his chest, even though you had never felt more free in your life.

You pulled your head out of his neck and attached your lips to his softly, kissing him lovingly and with passion. He kissed back immediately, loosening his arms so he could bring his hands up to your face, running and hand softly through your hair, which he loves because it’s so soft. He began to kiss lower, leaving a soft trail of kisses down your jawline and settling on your neck, where he pressed light and feathery kisses, making you shiver in his arms. He made his way back up to your lips, kissing you again. You smiled into the kiss and pulled away, smiling at him. He kissed your forehead softly, and your heart skipped a beat in your chest. He really was all you could ever ask for, and then some.

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