Caspar Lee

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"Hey guys, it’s Caspar Lee" the boy with dirty blonde, spiked hair smiles cheekily into the camera. You sigh heavily, drinking in his striking features that are even more inhumanely attractive in real life. You know this as you and Caspar Lee are good friends and hang out every once in a while. You wouldn’t class you and Caspar as extremely close, though you wish you could be because the truth is, you have been crushing on this boy ever since you can remember meeting him. Everything about him, his effortless charm, his dry humour, his flirty side, just everything comes so natural to him, making him irresistible to you. You have hidden this fact of course. The only place you can let your emotions for him run wild is in your bedroom, staring dreamily at him from your computer screen. "Today I have learned how to use live twitcam, as you can tell, and I though I would surprise you with a twitcam" he explains, pulling a few funny faces, twirling in his wheely chair before returning to the live streaming video. "So i’m not really sure what to do….. You could ask questions I guess…" he continues. Once he starts reading tweets of his fan and answering questions, he seems a little more relaxed. He doesn’t think of his answers too much, just firing off the first thing he can think of. "What would your dream girl be like?" He reads out, not even pausing for thought. "Easy. Medium height, long brown hair, funny, stubborn and argumentative, never letting anyone tell her what to do, beautiful without ever knowing it and so oblivious to it she’ll blush if you’d tell her…" he rambles off, his baby blue eye’s getting a glazed over softness in them. His description perplexes you a little. You remember a time when you and Caspar where at Starbucks with Troye, Alfie and Zoe and he mentioned how nice you looked and how badly you got flustered by his compliment, waving him off. Then you got into a heated debate over who has to pay on first dates. In fact, you and Caspar "debated" a lot of the times, because YOU were argumentative and stubborn, just like he explained his perfect woman to be like. "She’d be a quiet person at first, but as you get to know her, she’d open up more and you’d get to see a side of her you never thought existed" he continues to say. Your heart is now full on thumping because every word out of Caspar’s mouth seems to apply to your personality. Could he possibly be thinking of you? Before you can tune in to more of his ramblings, he is cut off by a load of new tweets, all asking if he means someone in particular. Now, it’s Caspar’s turn to blush. He shakes his head in a rare show of humility and quickly changes the topic. It still all seems a little iffy to you though. You can’t sop thinking about it and finally work up the courage to call him after his twitcam has ended. "Hello?" his deep voice answers. "Hi Cas, it’s me, Becca" "Oh. Hey Becca" he replies, uncertainty in his tone. "So…. I saw your twitcam. It was good…. For your first time I mean" you tell him, trying to crack a bit of a joke. "Um, thanks. You watched…. All of it?" "Yup." A pause follows your reply. "So, I don’t know if i’m crazy or imagining things, but when you were describing your perfect girl, I don’t know, I just sort of felt like you were describing me. Maybe i’m just reading into it too much because I really like you and that’s what I WANT to hear but…." you start to gabble, filling the silence. "Wait a sec, you LIKE me?" Caspar interrupts, sounding astonished. Oh fuck, I KNEW he didn’t mean me. Well isn’t THIS embarrassing you face palm yourself through gritted teeth. “Umm… I mean I…” “Can you meet me at Starbucks in fifteen minutes?” he suddenly asks. “What? Why?” “Well, I don’t really want to ask you out over the phone. Wear something sexy. Then again, you always do. See ya then, Becca” he hangs up abruptly. You blink, dazed, but overcome with starling joy. He DID mean you! Caspar likes you back! Even better, he’s invited you to Starbucks to tell you in person! You skip through your house, radiating sheer happiness, scrambling to get ready to meet your soon to be boyfriend, unable to stop grinning like a love struck idiot. A very pleased, love struck idiot.

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