O2L preference

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 O2L Preference - 'Irresistible' One Direction inspired

Jc-“Your fingertips so touchable and your eyes irresistible” 

You always had a fascination with playing with Jc’s hands, you had no clue why. You loved holding them and touching them, no matter when or where. He always questioned why, but you never had an answer. “Babe, why do you love playing with my fingers and hands so much? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love holding yours too, but it’s weird.” He laughed before you playfully hit him. “It’s not weird Jc, I just like knowing I can always play with them, knowing your mine. They’re just so touchable, I guess.” You smiled as he leaned in to kiss you, smiling in the middle of it. You looked deep into his brown eyes “And I love your eyes too, I always get lost in them.” He blushed before looking into yours “Thanks babe, but your eyes are the beautiful ones here, I could look into them forever.” You rolled your eyes at his corny remark before grabbing his hands one more and going in for a kiss. 

Kian-“Midnight doesn’t last forever, dark turns to light” 

Kian was your best friend, always supporting you throughout whatever obstacles life threw at you. Your relationship had ended and the first person you called of course, was Kian. As soon as he arrived, he embraced you, pulling you into a tight, long hug. “Y/n, I’m so sorry. Things are gonna be okay though, you’re strong. You don’t need that douche anyway, right?” He laughed, playfully tickling you, knowing you couldn’t help but smile when he did. “Right Kian, right.” You pulled him to the couch, cuddling into his side before putting on your favorite show, the one you’ve always watched together. You started crying, just the thought of the past events made you emotional. He pulled you onto his lap and wrapped his arms around you. “Y/N, he isn’t worth the tears. You’re gonna find a guy who loves everything about you, one who won’t break your heart, one who loves you more than life itself, dark turns to light, this won’t last forever, I promise, trust me, please.” He spoke softly, playing with your hair while he did. “I know, I know, I just wish he’d show up sooner, you know?” He nodded before you had a long stare off, looking deep into each other’s eyes. Without thinking, both of you went in for a kiss, both pulling away after a few seconds. You smiled at him, before pressing your lips together once again. You pulled away, nuzzling your head into his neck before whispering into his ear “I think I found that guy, Kian.” He kissed your cheek before whispering back “and I found that girl, Y/N” 

Connor-“it’s in all the things and other things that make you who you are” 

You were having a lazy night in with Connor when you realized how down he seemed, which was really rare for him. “Babe, what’s wrong? You alright?” He looked at you and gave a small smile before nodding his head. “You’re lying to me, what’s wrong?” he looked at you with sad eyes, making you wonder what was going through that head of his. “I just feel like you’re so perfect and I’m so not. I mean, look at me Y/N.” You gave him a puzzled look before grabbing his hand, intertwining your fingers with his. “Connor Franta, you are beyond perfect. I’m far from perfect, but thanks for the compliment babe. Why do you think that though?” He shrugged his shoulders before opening his mouth to speak “I don’t know, I just don’t think there’s anything special about me. I mean, look at my forehead, this bump isn’t cute. And I’m really weird. I don’t understand how you put up with it.” You grabbed his face, turning it so your eyes met “Connor, your forehead is perfect, and I love how weird and random you can be, it’s one of the many things that made me fall in love with you, it makes you who you are babe.” A smile grew on his face before he passionately kissed your lips. “I knew I loved you for a reason, baby. now let me tell you all of the things I love about you.” You laughed, blushing in the process, knowing you had the most perfect boyfriend you could ask for. 

Ricky-“It makes your lips so kissable and your kiss unmissable” 

Every time you and Ricky hung out, you couldn’t help but always have an urge to kiss him. He thought it was cute, yet funny. “Y/N, I have a question.” Looking into his eyes, you gave him a questioned look before he blurted out what he wanted to ask. “How come you’re always staring at my lips? Do I drool a lot or something…?” You laughed at him, his hand going towards his lips as if he was wiping something off. “No babe, you just have really kissable lips, i love kissing them, is that a problem, Dillon?” He stepped closer to you “No, it isn’t.” He smiled before pressing his ‘kissable’ lips to yours. The kiss became more passionate by the second. He pulled away, leaving you wanting more. “Was that a problem Y/L/N?” He smirked before winking, turning his back to you, walking away. You chased after him before grabbing his shoulders to spin him around. You placed a light, short but sweet kiss on his lips. ending it with a small giggle “Not at all baby, not at all” You slowly walked away, leaving him thinking about what had just happened.

Sam- “Midnight ain’t no time for laughing, when you say goodbye” 

You and Sam always had movie nights on Saturdays, it was your thing. You’d cuddle and eat food while watching movies, usually chick flicks and horrors, just so he’d have an excuse to hold you while you cried or screamed. His curfew was always midnight and you hated watching him leave. “I wish you could stay for the night babe.” You sad sadly, making the puppy dog face at him. He frowned before kissing your forehead “I know babe, I know, one day, I promise.” You smiled at the thought, trying to forget the fact he had to leave soon. “I’ll be back tomorrow Y/N, it’s fine. Only 8 hours! You’ll go to sleep and forget about it. Trust me, beautiful.” You grabbed his neck, pulling it down to kiss him. When you eased out of it, you realized the clock read 11:59, an instant frown growing on your face. He pulled you in for one more kiss, before getting up, you walking him to the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow, love. Don’t worry. Goodnight.” You smiled lightly, closing the door behind him. 

Trevor- “If I go now, if I leave, then I’m on my own tonight.” 

Trevor invited you to his house, knowing you were home alone, and of course, you couldn’t say no to him. You were walking up to his door before he ran out and grabbed you, kissing you everywhere on your face, carrying you into his house. “Well nice to see you to babe!” You laughed quietly before he plopped you down on the couch, sitting next to you. “What do you wanna do, Y/N? Watch a movie, eat, make a video? Choose, it’s your choice!” You laughed at how excited your boyfriend seemed as the smile grew on his face. “How about all three, yeah?” He agreed before choosing a movie and some food. You were cuddling on the couch before you looked at the time. “Trevor, I should probably go, it’s getting late and you’re tired.” He grabbed you tightly so you couldn’t move. “No babe, no. Stay here for the night, please please please?” Those big blue eyes were staring into your soul, making you question if you should stay or not. “I guess I could, just for tonight. I know if I leave, I’ll be on my own, and I don’t want that.” He jumped up off the couch, yelling of happiness, causing you to laugh at how nuts your boyfriend was. He dropped back down next to you, cuddling you the same way he was before, kissing your cheek and whispering in your ear “I knew you would babe, you love me too much to say no.” Rolling your eyes at him, you kissed him back “I guess you could say that baby, now let’s sleep.” 

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