Chapter 25

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"Lilica's blind." Kyo informs me.

Those two words hit me like a bullet. As I back away from him.

"No. No. I don't believe it." I frown.

"I'm sorry, Yuzu." Kyo sighs, and walks away.

Yuri appears out of nowhere, and hugs me. Then we walk out of the school building, as I cry.

"What happened?" she asks me, as she strokes my hair, in a motherly way.

"Lilica's blind. And I wasn't here for her." I cry.

"Don't worry, babydoll. She'll be fine." Yuri reassures me.

"Thank you, Yuri." I smile at her.

"For what?" she asks me.

"For being there for me." I fall asleep, and she carries me home.


I sit up in bed, and wipe my eyes. I look at the clock, and realize that I have time to get there for the Host Club, so I get ready, quickly, and make my way there. Once I open the doors, I realize that I'm just in time. Oh yeah, my outfit. I have on a pretty black poofy skirt, red tank top, black leather jacket, and my combat boots.

"Yeah, so the trip is tomorrow." Kyoya adds, no one noticing my presence.

"Ooh, a trip. What kind?" I smirk.

"Yuzu! You came!" Honey hugs me.

"Of course I did," I laugh.

"Surgery? Really? What kind?" Haruhi asks me, rolling her eyes.

I pull my shirt up, and show them the scar.

"I got my appendix removed." I smile, proudly.

Then I realize something. Hatsuharu has all black hair, Kyo's hair is brown, and Yuki's hair is black. Then Momiji actually looks his age.

"Your hair hasn't changed color?" Kyo asks me.

"Yeah, it did, but I didn't want anyone getting suspicious." I shrug.

"Suspicious of what?" Tamaki asks us.

"You guys seriously didn't tell them?" I ask.

"We were planning on it, but I guess we will now." Yuki sighs.

"Oh! So it's my fault?" I put a big emphasis on the whole sentence.

"Great Yuki, you got her started." Kyo whispers to Yuki.

"Shut it, cat." I growl.

"Okay, so what's going on? You never got this mad before." Haru sighs, and the rest of the club watches.

"Tend to have a shorter temper if you hang out with the people I did," I shrug.

"Guys, the club's begging. Places." Tamaki ushers them to the center.

I roll my eyes, and plop down on the window seat, like before.

"Yuzu? Are you okay?" Tohru asks me.

"No, I just found out that my best friend's blind." I start to cry, but it's silent.

"Come on, I know a good quiet place to go," she quickly pulls me away, before all the girls show up.

We enter the maze, and we find a little meadow with a tree in the center.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" she asks, sitting down.

"It's just that, she's my best friend, and in her worst days if struggles, I'm away with her enemies." I sob, and Tohru holds me. "I'm such a terrible best friend."

"Why did you go to hang out with her enemies?" Tohru asks me.

"Can I tell you a secret?" I ask her, not knowing that Tamaki is listening to everything.

"Of course, not a word will come out of this mouth." she zips her lips.

"There are people that personify a country, and I'm one of them. I'm Atlantis. I had recently found out from one of the enemies, Yuri. She is also Atlantis, but the opposite of me. Lilica is Texas. You're the first one to find out about this." I sigh.

"How are you Atlantis, if it disappeared long ago?"

"I've been reincarnated so many times. I've been getting my memories back, quickly. I'm not just betraying Lilica, but the others. We all have opposites, and they want full control. I don't know why I joined, I knew that as soon as they get their wish, they'll destroy me too. It was probably the thought of power, but I wish I never agreed to helping them." I cry, more.

"Let's go see Lilica." Tohru stands up, and holds her hand out for me.

"Okay," I wipe my tears off my face.

Tohru leads me to a different house, and knocks. The door opens, and I don't look.

"We're here to see Lilica." Tohru adds.

"You can come in, but she can't." I hear Gilbert's voice.

"Why not, Gilbert?" I ask him.

"She doesn't want to see you." he adds.

"Did she tell you that?" I ask him.

"Okay, fine. You can come in too." he sighs.

He leads us to a room, and I see Lilica sitting on a bed, her eyes a faded blue. Tears come to my eyes.

"Lilica? You have visitors." Gilbert enters the room.

"Who is it?" she looks in our direction.

"Tohru and Yuzu." he informs her.

"Yuzu?" she asks.

"I'm right here." I walk up to her.

She holds her hand out, and I hold it. Tears stream down my face.

"How did this happen?" I ask her.

"I was a cooking, and some of the water splashed my eyes, making me blind." she sighs. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to apologize." I sigh.

"Apologize?" she asks.

"I'm sorry, I just left without telling anyone. I just wanted to see what was left of my land, and then there was some people-"

"People?" Gilbert asks me.

"They're from a different dimension. They used me to get into this world, that's why I showed up at the World Meeting, it was the only way for the nightmares to stop." I smile at Tohru. "Tohru, I kinda lied to you, I knew that there was someone listening to us, so I said that I went with them for the power. Well, I wanted to find out their plans. And they were going to my land anyways, so I wanted to see that too. Most of them treated me as family, but some wanted nothing to do with me. I trained, and everything changed about me, but I come back, and..."

"Who were these people?" Gilbert asks me.

"Countries. Our opposites."

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