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 *I used to spend my nights looking at the stars
Wondering how to get there, is it just too far? *





For a few seconds I completely forgot how I got there as I stood there awkwardly in Jay Parker's backyard with a bunch of kids from school. Music was playing too loud and everyone was laughing and playing, having a good time. Lana had her arm linked into mine and she seemed happier than me. That's because she was that she had managed to get me out of the house for once. 

"Tell me you love me or what," she smirked and I couldn't help but laugh. She dragged me towards some familiar faces who I was guessing were a bunch of girls from her cheer leading squad. 

Thanks to Noah, I had managed to sneak out behind him without mum and dad even coming to the door. He told them I was driving him to Connor's and it was at the best time possible. Every friday night at 8, some tv show always came on which mom and dad NEVER missed for the past 2 years and they did not like being interrupted. And that is how I got away with it. 

My eyes darted around to look for Jay, who I spotted with his arms around Jenny, finally laughing and chatting with some of his thick head team mates. Sorry for stereotyping, but everyone thought the guys on the football team were a little dumb, i dont know, dont hate me. 

"If you're looking for Travis, I haven't seen him either," Lana broke me out of my daze handing me a coke can. I flushed realizing that I hadn't been looking for him at all. She looked into the direction I was and frowned. "Don't even think about it."

"I am not," I said defensively. "He just seemed really upset the last time I talked to him and..."

"No way Azari," Lana shook her head. "Please that's just his act to get girls to fall for his sensitive ass." Why was did she hate him so much?

"Okay, Okay, relax." I assured her. There really was nothing there, I did like him but not crushing on him or anything. I just didn't think he was as bad as everyone made him out to be. 

Oh well, like I had imagined this party would go for me, I sat in the corner on one of the chairs Jay had probably laid out for everyone by myself. I wondered if his parents let him do this kind of thing or his parents were out of town. Slowly, I sipped on my coke which had gone quite warm by now. I was bored to death. And yeah you must be thinking, where the fuck was Lana? She did insist on giving me company but I didn't want to hold her back from having the fun she came here for. I was boring, and I don't know why she liked hanging out with me. 

"You seem like you're having a great time," I heard a voice say to me. It was low and raspy, and my heart leaped with joy thinking Jay had finally decided to talk to me now. 

I looked up to see a familiar pair of gray eyes staring down at me. My nose filled up with an incredible smell and my heart started racing from the delicious scent of the cologne. His extremely black outfit reminded me of my little girl crush I had on him since middle school. 

"I-I guess," I struggled with what to say to him. Seeing his gorgeous face softly smiling at me like that was giving me the worst kind of butterflies, or bees or moths, I don't freaking know!

He dragged another chair from nearby and pulled it up close to me. "So, Azari I just wanted to apologize."

"Its okay, Travis!" I quickly blurted out like the dork I am. "I mean I uh, I understand."

He scrunched up his nose, "You do?"

I nodded, looking down at my hands fidgeting with my shirt. If he knew how nervous he made me, he would be 10 thousand miles away not here. 

My Very, Very Cliche High School Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now