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"Why would you keep something like that from me?" Lana was fuming for some reason I wasn't quite sure of. 

"Its not like I was hiding it or anything," I said defensively while I sat on my bed and she was pacing back and forth in my room. "Why are you overreacting?"

"Overreacting?!" Lana stopped and looked right at me with a frown on her face. I couldn't quite understand if she upset about me not telling her or the fact that it was Jay Parker. She took a deep breath and put her hands on her hips. "I told you that he is bad news."

"He just came to see if I was okay, that didn't seem so bad," I said looking down at my swinging feet making her scoff at my words.

"Hello, Azari. Do you remember you have a boyfriend. Travis?" 

I felt my rage boiling at what she was accusing me of. "I know I do. And it's not like I was sleeping with Jay. He just came to check up on me, that's it!"

Lana wasn't ready to back down. She was getting madder by the minute. "Oh really? Then why did you think it was okay to keep it from me if you're so innocent?"

I gasped. "Maybe you're just jealous cause you're the one who's in love with him!"

Lana shook her head.

"I saw his texts on your phone," I blurted out and her head shot up with her mouth formed into an 'o'.

"What? You went through my phone?!"

"N-no." I stammered, feeling guilty for what I had just said. The look on her face was making me feel like a jerk. I had one friend and I think I had just lost her too. "I just saw you had texts from him."

"Fuck you, Azari." Lana spit out and stomped out of my room grabbing her jacket hanging on the rack behind my door. I didn't even chase her, try to reason that I had done nothing wrong.

Feeling overwhelmed, I plopped back down on my bed and grabbed a pillow hugging it crying into it. It was going to be a lonely night.



"What's wrong, babe?" Travis whispered sliding his arm around me during lunch the next day. 

I shrugged leaning into his neck. Atleast, I still had him on my side well until he blamed me for something too. 

"You're drooping. Normally seeing me cheers you up," he added rubbing my upper arm with his hand. 

"Lana and I had a fight yesterday," I said confiding him in still unsure of whether I should tell him the reason or not. 

"You'll make up in no time," he said pushing me away gently to look at me. "Right?"

"Maybe not this time," I replied glumly resulting him in asking me the reason. "I am not sure why we had an argument." It was a half lie but not completely.

"You want to go somewhere after school?" he asked me softly and I melted into his presence. 

"I cant. I have detention remember?" 

His face fell and nodded. "Yeah fuck. I forgot. You're mom really needs to let you have a boyfriend so I can come over to your place."

Thoughts of Travis in my room flashed into my head making me flush. He chuckled noticing the blush on my face.

"Are you have thoughts about me?" he leaned in whispering into my ear making my hair stand on its end. 

"NO!" I shoved him away and he laughed harder. "I-I'm not."

But I totally was, and I guess lying had just become easier for me than it ever had been.



Thankfully, Principal Duvell hadn't given me a hard time for missing detention twice that week. But the whole committee had managed to pull off a lot of cool designs and plans for the winter formal. Jenny had designed the theme of hanging lights of light blue with crafted snow flakes hanging from the ceiling while Juniper was supposed to be handling the music as DJ. 

I had texted Lana the whole day countless time even though she had ignored me in most of our classes together. Maybe it was my fault and I kept apologizing but I couldn't understand the slightest reason she was mad at me. 

"You seem distressed," Jay interrupted me making me jump while I was typing another text to send to Lana. I sat awkwardly in my chair in the seminar hall while the rest of them were handling the decorations for the Winter Formal. I had felt useless enough and to top it Lana wasn't talking to me anymore. 

"I am fine, Parker," I muttered hitting send on my phone. 

"Awe come on, Pork chop," he said snatching my phone from my hand.

"HEY! Give that back!" 

"You don't even give any one of us a chance," he continued pulling away my phone out of my reach. 

I groaned making him smile. 

"Hey guys," he called out to everyone else grabbing their attention. "Lets leave early today. Azari needs some cheering up." 

"I really do-- "

"Yeah sure," Juniper shrugged agreeing much quicker than I thought. "I am sick of being here anyway."

Jay turned to Jenny and she sighed then nodded. "Fine, but only if you promise to make rest of the props." she said.

"Yea," Bryce, the student body president, continued. "Jay just sits there and watches us do stuff."

"I am supervising you guys," Jay snorted making the guys scoff. 

"Ugh don't start again, Bryce," Jenny stepped in while Jason was helping Juniper pack things up. Jason was the only one there I didn't particularly find annoying because he never said much. "Lets go, June. You packed up?"

"Yeah," Jason replied instead. He was totally blushing standing next to Juniper and it was obvious he liked her. 

All of them walked out the Seminar Hall casually and I couldn't help worrying if Mr. Duvell would be okay with this or not.

"I don't think this is a good idea," I said softly to Jay at the same time everyone else was exiting. "We're in detention."

"Not anymore," he winked and grabbed my hand literally dragging me out. In the back of my mind I kept thinking if Jenny and him were together anymore or was he with Lana. God, when did I become so stuck in the middle of so much drama. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2018 ⏰

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