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"Azari, you need to tell me what happened!" Lana was practically begging while I refused to come out of the bathroom stall.

"This was the most humiliating thing that has ever happened to me," I was crying. Ugly crying. Sniffling and wiping my nose with the back of my cardigan sleeve.

"Would you please come out, Azari! We could talk to Mr. Duvell and explain it to him."

I shook my head vigorously forgetting for a moment that Lana couldn't see me. "NO!"

Lana groaned from the other side of the door to the bathroom stall. "Azari, you need to stop being so stubborn and let me help you."

"No, Lana," I cried. "What could you possibly do to fix this?"

"Tell Jay to admit to Mr. Duvell that you weren't involved in any of that R rated kind of stuff."

I took a deep breath and sighed. Lana was right and for the very first time in my life, I agreed to do what she asked of me.

But when we couldn't find Jay that day, we talked to Jenny instead.

"No," she said firmly crossing her arms in her cheerleading uniform. "She is the reason we're in this mess."

"B-but I.." I stuttered, trying to grasp my words. How could she think that? "I was the one who was trying to help!"

"Yeah, well you made it worse." she flinched and I noticed Lana's face turn red with anger. Uh-oh.

"Blaming Azari for your ceaseless thirst for dick, huh Jenny?" Lana shot at her and I swear for a minute I though Jenny was going to punch her.

I quickly pulled Lana away from Jenny, "We can just talk to Jay instead."

Jenny stomped off muttering 'bitch' under her breath.

"This is stupid. Mr. Duvell should have atleast listened to you instead of just giving you detention for the next three months."

Holding back my tears, I nodded slowly. He had signed us up as volunteers to help organize everything for the Winter Formal. Well, not exactly volunteers when you had no joy in doing that type of stuff. The scary part for me was to tell my parents I had to stay back at school everyday for two to three hours because I had detention. Telling them the reason was just close to impossible, and they were not even going to believe that I had no involvement with the popular kids whatsoever. I mean, look at me.

Lana shook her head. "I have to be home soon and help my mom with some stuff. You going to be okay?"

Her hand was comforting on my shoulder and I nodded biting the inside of my cheek keeping my tears from flowing. I shrugged her hand off and didn't give a reply.

After Lana took off, I decided to gain courage and talk to Mr. Duvell to listen to me just once. I had never gotten in trouble before so maybe he could reconsider.

I sneaked into the music room before I went to the principal's office. What no one knew was I dreamt of being a singer, even though I really couldn't sing that well. It doesn't hurt anyone to dream right?

To my relief, it was empty and I saw a few of the instruments immaculately placed on one side of the room with the chairs and tables pushed to the other. I set my bag down to walk towards the instruments, maybe grab a guitar when I heard a tap.

I stopped dead, regretting ever coming in here. Particularly, I had shut the door behind me so no one would come checking in on me, and it was still shut. I shivered thinking what if someone was in here with me, waiting to pounce. Azari, you got to stop reading all these dramatic stories on wattpad, I thought to myself.

My Very, Very Cliche High School Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now