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"You ratted me out!" I yelled angrily at Noah, getting to my feet. For a minute I forgot Travis might think I was a total lunatic.

"Yeah cause you losing control!" Noah shot back and I felt Travis stand up next to me. My blood was raging and boiling and it took everything I had in me to stop myself from throwing a punch.

"What the f--?"

"Shhh," I heard Travis cut me off taking my hand as he was on his feet too now. 

"Come on Azari," Noah continued frowning at me like I owed him my kidney. "We both know you been lying about your detention."

"Seriously, Noah? Its none of your goddamn business." I was clenching my wrist ready to swing a punch at him. 

"Maybe you guys should talk about this at home," Travis said firmly dragged me away from Noah before I could become violent. I couldn't believe it. 

"You didn't have to stop me from hitting him," I growled as Travis walked me back to the school halls. My forehead was wet with sweat, that's what happened everytime I got really really mad. 

Travis was looking at me with his eyes squinted like he was probably trying to figure me out or something. For a minute he kept quiet but then let out a sigh. 

"What?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Nothing," he replied taking a step towards me and leaned down to plant a gentle kiss on my forehead. In an instant, all my rage swept away. It was like it was never even there. 

"What was that for?" I bit my lower lip shyly as the feel of his lips still lingered on my skin. 

"For that look you give me everytime I kiss you," he smiled brightly and if we weren't standing in the school halls, with a bunch of kids around, I would have jumped on him, threw my arms around his shoulders and made out with him like there was no tomorrow. But ofcourse, I didn't do that so I just smiled like an idiot and got it over with. 


"I can't believe it was Noah," Lana shook her head as she sat up on my bed. It was a miracle mom had agreed to let her stay over on a school night despite of me being grounded as fuck.
"And to think you always covered for his snitch ass!"

"I know right?!" I sighed turning on my side to look at her. It was almost midnight and we both were laying on my bed gossiping like typical teenagers.

"You should get back at him!"

I shrugged. "Nah, i cant be bothered. Screw him."

"It sucks you have to be grounded cause of him," she frowned.

"Yeah but the only thing is i miss Travis," i said blushing at the thought of him.

"Oooo," Lana smirked quickly grabbing her phone. "Lets give him a call shall we?"

"NO!" I quickly protested but it was already too late. She had the phone to her ear while my heart was preparing to explode itself.

"Here," she whispered softly putting her cell phone to my ear.

"Lana?" I heard his delicious voice on the other end of the phone and froze.

"Azari," I managed to squeak out and Lana rolled her eyes at me.

"He is your boyfriend for fucks sake," she frowned and I glared at her.

"Azari, hey," Travis's voice softened instantly. "Is everything allright?"

"Yes!" I replied quickly and Lana face palmed herself at my awkwardness.

"Its funny you know," Travis laughed giving me butterflies. Or caterpillar i dont know. "I was just thinking about you."

My Very, Very Cliche High School Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now