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The next morning I was struggling to get out of bed because my fever had shot up again. Mum had forced me to take some soup. 

I felt extremely lightheaded and was slightly disappointed I had to skip school because I had been excited to see Travis. And now another day was gonna go by without me seeing him. 

My body jerked awake and I looked up to see Noah's face staring down at me. 

"What the fuck are you doing?" My voice croaked while I squinted my eyes to look at him more clearly.

"Someone is here to see you," he said quickly and I asked him what time it was feeling rushed thinking that Travis might have come to see me.
"Its 3 pm and you have only a few minutes."

I gulped and sat up on my bed wondering since when had Noah become so generous to me. He slammed the door of my room behind him and I hopped out of bed to run to my closet looking to change. I looked like a mess and probably had bad breath. What the hell was Travis going to think when he saw me. 

Someone knocked my door making me jump as I was changing into a pair of jeans and out of my pajamas. "One second!"

The door creaked open when I was about to take my shirt off and the face that slid in made my heart jump to my throat. "Parker? What are you doing here?!"

He let himself into my room and closed the door behind him leaning back onto it. "Just checking up on you."

I stood awkwardly staring at him still wearing my stained t-shirt, totally forgetting about how shit I must have looked.

"You could atleast try not to look so disappointed," he grinned raising his eyebrows. 

"Oh yeah, thanks!" I muttered, running my fingers through my knotted hair feeling self-conscious suddenly. Jay looked so perfect in his black, floral button shirt while his curly hair fell over his forehead messily like they always did. 

"I know you were hoping it to be Travis," he said looking at me directly, still standing leaning back against my door with his hands behind his back. 

I shrugged. "Yeah, but thanks again for checking up on me. I am allright." 

He nodded looking down at his feet and I fidgeted awkwardly pulling at the hem of my t-shirt. The silence was making me feel uncomfortable. 

Unexpectedly, Jay turned around opening the door and let himself out after saying, "See ya later, Pork chop." and disappeared before I could even respond. 

He left me feeling flushed, awkward and uncomfortable by myself only wondering what in the world had just happened. 



"You should call Travis," Lana poked me as we both sat on the couch of my living room that evening. She had come to check up on me too and brought me some donuts, well she said Travis had sent them. But I was disappointed as to why he couldn't have shown up himself. It would have created a good impression on my parents and I had needed that to have my mom let me date him. But no, why would anyone want to make things easier for me. 

"Yeah, I'll call him," I mumbled through my mouthful of my favourite cookies and cream frosted donut. 

"Ugh, you're such a buzzkill," Lana sipped on her orange juice while mom called out to her from the kitchen asking if she needed anything. Lana answered back, "No thank you Mrs. Khan. I just had some Mcdonalds on my way here."

I shot her an angry look. "You couldn't have brought me some? You know how much I have been craving..."

"Shhh," Lana put her hand on my mouth. "Call him."

Shoving her hand away I scoffed, "It's like you're obsessed with him even more than I am."

She gasped. "What has gotten into you Azari? Do you like someone else?"

My cheeks turned pink and instantly Jay's face flashed into my head. I shook my head vigorously denying it. Ofcourse I didn't like him, I was maybe just attracted to him and she was too probably. There was nothing wrong with that, was it?

"I have suspicions." she raised her eyebrow and I shoved her. 

"How about you missy? Your so called 'Mystery guy'," I quickly shot back making her giggle.

"Patience my dear chip. You will meet him soon."

I thought about how I suspected Jay being her mystery guy. and at the same time wondered when did my life have become so warped up in boys. 

"Fine. You're bringing him to the Halloween Party this weekend," I smirked at her. 

"You can't go," we both jumped at Noah interrupting us. 

"Ugh, go away Noah." I groaned and he completely ignored me walking into the living room and sitting across from us on the couch. 

"No no, tell me more," Lana laid back frowning. "Why can't we go?"

"I didnt mean you," Noah chuckled. "I was talking about Azari."

Lana and I exchanged looks rolling our eyes while he continued talking. 

"Not unless you agree to take me."

"Its a party for juniors. Not freshmen," Lana added quickly to my relief since I had no idea that was the case.

"So? Since when has that ever stopped me," Noah smirked crossing his arms. 

"I am not taking you anywhere dip-shit." I growled and it made my blood boil to see his smirk not fading from his face. 

"Then I'll tell about how Jay Parker visited your room in the afternoon," Noah blurted out leaning over whispering loud enough for only us to hear. 

"Wait what?!" Lana gasped out and I gulped. My head was throbbing not sure why  I had kept it from Lana. Not even sure why I felt scared she would find out. 

"Think about it," Noah continued and opened his mouth to say more but I cut him off.

"Fine! Fine!" I said raising my hands. "You can come with." 

He got up to his feet bowing and exited the living room. I stood up too hoping Lana would not ask me anything about him but ofcourse when had ever my fate been on my side.

"Not so fast," she followed me as I was rushing upstairs to my room. "We need to talk. 

-Hey guys, I hope you enjoy reading this chapter. and if you have enjoyed reading my story so far please leave a comment and vote.-

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