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"I have no idea how do you manage without a phone," Lana shook her head with her mouth full of the sweet corn. She loved corn and made sure to bring some to school for lunch at least twice a week.  

"I guess never really thought about it," I muttered poking at the burger on the tray in front of me. It was a regular lunch day at school and I felt bland and bored and dull. I barely got to spend time with Travis, detention sucked and Lana kept disappearing off to meet her secret lover. 

"Ugh, I'm so fucked up," she groaned scrolling through her phone. I was guessing it probably had something to do with some posts on her instagram or whatever. 

"Hey have you seen Travis?" I asked glumly and she shook her head no without verbally replying. She seemed too immersed in her social media drama. I rolled my eyes and got to my feet leaving my half eaten burger. 


It was getting slightly cooler as it was almost end of October. I pulled my hood over my head as my body had started to shiver for some reason and ache at the same time. I was slowly strolling through the halls while it was quite crowded because of lunch. Besides being cold, I felt more agitated than usual probably because Travis wasn't replying to any of my texts and Lana was obsessed with her social media life. 

A sharp pain shot through my forehead as I bumped into something hard. For a moment I didn't realize it was a person and i jerked my head upwards to see myself staring into a familiar face. 

"Easy there, Pork chop," Jay raised his eyebrows at me. I was too tired to be mad at his ridiculous name calling. 

"Sorry," I muttered as stepped out of his way when he suddenly grabbed my arm to pull me towards him. 

"You okay? You seem flushed," he said with concern and his eyes squinted trying to study me. I couldn't help but notice how his golden eyes were shining and were so different than Travis's. 

I shook the thought of his eyes out of my head. "Yeah, I'm fine."

Jay's hand felt cool and heavy on my forehead as he let out a sigh. "You have a fever. I think you should go see the nurse."

"No, No, I am allright," I replied swatting his hand away and he gulped, I wasn't sure why. 

I watched Jay mutter something but I couldn't make out the words at all. I felt lightheaded, and It seemed like the whole world was spinning and I was floating before I felt myself hit the floor and everything drowned in darkness all around me. 



My head was throbbing with excruciating pain when I woke up. I had realized I was in the nurse's room immediately but before that I had caught Jay sitting right next to my bed on a chair. 

"Hey," he said softly as soon as my eyes met his. "How are you feeling?"

"What happened?" I asked and instantly regretted it. I should have asked for Travis, or Lana or my brother. Instead, I liked the way Jay was looking at me so intently and with extreme concern. 

"Your blood pressure dropped too low," he explained. "The nurse said you probably haven't been eating well."

I felt so stupid by the way my heart was racing by just looking at him. Just like every girl at this school, I was insanely attracted to him. That was the last thing I had wanted, to be extremely cliche. 

"Thanks," I mumbled sitting up. My body was still aching but I had to get away from him as soon as possible. 

"Hey hey!" he pushed down on my shoulder making me lay back down. "The nurse said you will leave after she checks up on you one more time."

"I'll miss my classes," I groaned hoping that would let him let me go even though I was well aware I would be granted a leave anyway. 

Jay shook his head and leaned back into his chair, looking at me. His curly, messy hair was falling over his forehead with his lips pursed. 

"Parker," I spoke softly trying to bring my eyes to make contact with his. "Thanks."

"No problem," his lips curled up into a smile and I couldn't help but smile back. If only my heart wasnt going insane and banged against my chest like a drum. In that moment, I felt guilty for not thinking about Travis and not even wanting anyone else there. Maybe I had never noticed him so up close before.

"Why are you staring at me?" he broke me out of my thoughts and I wished I could somehow pass out again so I wouldn't have to face the embarrassment of answering that question. Jerking my head, I turned it to the other side making it even more obvious. 

I heard him chuckle and I pulled the blanket that was on me over my head. Anything to keep him from seeing my stupid, flushed face. How could I have been such an idiot. 

The door creaked open and I was relieved it was the nurse. I had hoped Jay would leave but he waited till the nurse checked my temperature and blood pressure and told me to go home and rest after giving me a some medicine. 

I thanked her and Jay followed me out the nurses' room. 

"Here," he said handing me my hoodie which I hadn't even realized wasn't on me the entire time I had been in there. "Also this." Pulling out my cell phone from his pocket he slid into my hands.

"Thanks," I smiled and I saw him hang my bag pack on his left shoulder. Before I could say anything to him I looked at my phone to see 10 messages from Lana asking me where I was and if I had skipped and only two texts from Travis. 

I'm sorry babe, I had something come up so I had to skip school. 
Let's call, tonight? x 

I sighed and texted back to him Sure. 

"Thankyou Parker," I looked up at him waiting for me to say something. "But I can carry my bag."

"Nonsense," he shook his head. "I'll drive you home."

I gulped and pulled at the strap of my bag on his shoulder. "No, its fine I can manage."

His hands gripped tightly on it refusing to let it go. "Don't be stubborn, Pork chop. I thought you said you wanted to be friends."

The smug look on his face was making me nervous and I wasn't sure if I wanted to punch myself more or him. 

"Its no bother," he added when I didn't reply. "Come on." Taking my hand, he led me outside to his car practically dragging me. Guess I didn't have much of a choice or did I?

My Very, Very Cliche High School Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now