First Meeting

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Yoongi sat in his car, parked right outside of the gas station where he saw Tae yesterday. Chances are, he was going to show up sooner or later.

Yoongi found himself anxiously twirling the band around his finger, his eyes scanning the area desperately. Thoughts like "What if he doesn't show up today?" clouded his mind.

Just then, he caught a glimpse of Tae who was yawning as he entered the gas station. Yoongi got off of his car, quickly following after Tae who was making his way towards the brewed coffee.

"T-Taehyung?" Yoongi asked softly. It wasn't like him to be so soft spoken, but he couldn't help but feel nervous as he approached the young man who was stirring sugar and milk into his coffee.

The young man placed a lid onto his coffee, turning around and looking over at Yoongi. "Who's asking?" Tae asked, his voice was groggy. "Uhm.. Kim Min-jun" Yoongi replied, shifting his weight as he did.

Tae examined Yoongi, taking a long sip of his coffee. "Do I know you?" He finally asked.

The words stung Yoongi far more than he had anticipated. Of course Tae wasn't going to remember HIM, much less by a fake name. But that small part of Yoongi that hoped that Tae would recognize even a small piece of Yoongi was what made it hurt more.

Yoongi smiled regardless of the pain he felt in his chest. "We went to primary together."

Tae nodded, his eyebrows were furrowed as he took another long sip of his coffee. Almost as if he was trying to place the name and the face together in his mind.

"You must have a good memory." Tae chuckled, he walked over to the counter, Yoongi following close behind.

"Uhm, yeah, actually." Yoongi replies halfheartedly, taking in a deep breath as he watched Tae pay.

He was much closer to him today than he was yesterday. Tae had changed physically, his hair had gotten longer - almost like a mullet, it was also dyed blonde. He looked taller, perhaps it was because Yoongi had been away from him for so long and forgot just how much taller the younger was. His voice got a bit deeper as well.

What changed the most about Tae, was the way he dressed himself. Instead of the tacky Hawaiian shirts and weird prints, he wore suits and looked much more professional.

Yoongi wondered what else Tae had changed about himself. Was he still as sweet? Did he still love to sing? Does he still twirl his hair when he's nervous?

"I've never seen you around, you just get to town?" Tae asked, he walked towards the doors. "Mmhmm, I figured I'd come back to the city I was born and raised in."

Tae smiled at Yoongi, making Yoongi's heart skip a beat. It wasn't the same box smile he usually gave, but it was a small and sincere smile. Yoongi had missed that.

"Are you on your way to work?" Yoongi asked curiously. Tae nodded, closing his eyes sleepily as he sipped his coffee. "I didn't get any sleep last night, Linda kept me up all night with her blabbering about wanting a baby." Tae rolled his eyes.

"Linda?" Yoongi asked. It shouldn't have been a surprise to Yoongi that Tae was with a female now, after all - they were the rules. But just knowing that Tae is living a life with some other woman made Yoongi want to throw up.

"Yeah, my wife. We've been married for a while now." Tae spoke dryly, almost as if he resented his wife. He threw the empty coffee cup into the nearby trash can. "You're married too, huh?" Tae asked, looking down at Yoongi's band.

"Oh." Yoongi was caught off guard, "no, uhm.. I was." Yoongi started, he messed with the band on his finger a he spoke. "Oh, oh! Sorry for asking." Tae exclaimed, he ran his hand through his blonde locks as he spoke.

"It's fine.." Yoongi mummers.

"Say, Min-jun, do you want to maybe grab lunch later? It'd be nice to catch up with an old friend." Tae looked at Yoongi, their eyes meeting directly for a split second. "Uhm, yeah that would be great." Yoongi tried to contain his smile.

"Great, do you know where the main entrance to EGO is?" Tae asked. Yoongi nodded. "Meet me there at 12:45." Tae looked down at his tie, he tried to straighten it out, grunting in frustration. "Here, let me help." Yoongi said, placing his hands on the tie and straightening it out for Tae.

As he did, their hands brushed slightly over one another. The warmness Tae's hands held remained the same. Perhaps that was all Yoongi needed to know that regardless if Tae changed his appearance, this was still HIS Tae.

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