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Tae awoke in the same way he slept - in Yoongi's arms. He heard small snores escape from Yoongi's side and rolled over to look at the older man. Tae wondered when Yoongi had fallen asleep. He continued to look at Yoongi for a while longer, admiring his pale skin and pink lips. Tae was in fact a very lucky man.

Tae couldn't begin to imagine how hard it must've been for Yoongi to be alone for months and on top of that have to pretend to be a friend to someone he's loved for years. In a way, Tae admired that about Yoongi. It showed just how much he loved him.

Tae wished he could love Yoongi more, like how he did before he lost all his memories. He felt like Yoongi deserved a greater love than what he was getting.

Tae continued to look at Yoongi's parted lips. How many "I love you"s slipped his mouth and into Tae's ears? How many warm kisses were planted amongst Tae's skin? How many sweet nothings were said?

Tae rested his head against Yoongi's chest, a small grunt escaped Yoongi's mouth. "You awake?" Tae asked softly, not moving his head. "Mmm." Yoongi muttered back sleepily. Tae giggled to himself, this felt normal.

"I'm up..." Yoongi finally groaned, he shifted his body a little, careful to not push Tae off of him.

"I wish there would've been more mornings like this." Tae whispered softly.
"Me too." Yoongi replies, just as soft.
"I wish things would've worked in our favor."
"Me too."
"I wish I would've known sooner.."
"It's okay, this was...fate." Yoongi looked down at Tae.

"From the day we were born, we were destined to meet, Taehyung. Growing up beside one another, we were destined to become friends, best friends, and then lovers...We were destined to have a great relationship, we were destined to get caught, we were destined to reunite, and now this is just our destiny... I don't know why, but what I do know is that I'm glad that throughout this entire story -  I got to live it with you." Yoongi whispered.

As soon as he was done speaking, the doors swung open. "Alright, lets go." One of the guards spoke, Yoongi hesitantly got up, he squeezed Tae's hand as they made their way into the dark hallways.

'This is it..' Yoongi thought to himself, 'This is the end.' Yoongi looked over at Tae who was trailing behind, still holding Yoongi's hand. Perhaps Tae wasn't as strong as he came off to be, Yoongi wasn't.

In that moment, both of them could feel each other's fear. If only there was more time.

Yoongi followed the guards into another room where they were told to stay put.

"What do you think is going to happen?" Tae asked. Yoongi stayed silent for a second, he knew what was going to happen. In the next few moments, they would be escorted outside where they will have they will meet their death. There wasn't a pretty way of saying that, especially not to the man you've loved your entire life. So instead of saying death, Yoongi turned to Tae, squeezed his hand even tighter and said "I'm not exactly sure, but whatever does happen, I hope you know just how much I love you."

Tae smiled, Yoongi's hands were cold, but they still seemed to kept Tae's somewhat warm. "I'm sorry I didn't remember Yoongi." Tae whispered softly. Yoongi shook his head, "It wasn't your job to remember Tae, it never was - it was always mine."

Tae smiled weakly at Yoongi before the Seo-Jin bursted through the doors. "My, my.." He started, "Quite the couple we have here, huh?"

Yoongi and Tae stayed silent.

"Well, you two put up quite the chase, didn't you guys?" He continued. "But that chase has officially come to an end, hasn't it?" He used his thumb and index finger to life Yoongi's chin, meeting his eyes he smiled. "And you, Mr.Min, quite the fighter."

Yoongi turned his cheek, making Seo-jun chuckle, "Take them outside." Seo-jun said before dismissing the guards.

Yoongi and Tae were grabbed by their arms, being dragged outside where the sunlight blinded Yoongi and Tae's eyes. Through their squinted eyes, they could see a large crowd of people. Some of them were there to watch, others were there to protest.

"Stand here." One of the guard's scowled at the boys, making Yoongi and Tae climb to a tall platform where two nooses hung in their face.

"Any last words?" The guard asked. Yoongi looked over at Tae, "I loved you in this life, and in the next life I'll love you just the same, please don't ever forget that."

Tae smiled, a tear rolling down his cheek as he looked over at the crowd of people. They were all muttering amongst themselves before Tae decided to speak.

"I am Kim Taehyung." He yelled, the crowd stopped talking and all turned their attention to the platform in where Tae was standing. "And I am in love with a man named Min Yoongi. After we die today, I hope our death doesn't go in vain. I urge you all to love who you want to love, don't let them win. They can not win." Tae screamed, he looked down at the crowd, a lot of the protesters were cheering him on.

"That's enough!" The guard yelled, motioning towards the other guards to wrap the rope around their necks.

Once the noose was in place, Yoongi reached over and grabbed Tae's hand. Both of their hands were cold. "I love you." Yoongi whispered. "I love you." Tae whispered back.

The platform folded, letting both Tae and Yoongi fall as far as the noose would permit. Snapping their necks once they reached the end of the rope. Both of them still holding hands once it did.

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