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¨Let me the fuck in! My boyfriend is in there!¨ Taehyung shouted as he pushed past the officers and into the room where Yoongi was being dragged away. Tae watched in horror as Yoongi laid limp - almost as if he was dead.

¨Where are you guys taking him?!¨ Tae screeched, by now he had caught up with one of the guards that was holding Yoongi's arm.

¨Tae?¨ Yoongi asked, opening an eye to look at the blurred figure. ¨Yoongi"Tae's husky voice spoke, he placed a hand on Yoongi's cheek. ¨What have they done to you.?¨ Tae smiled weakly. ¨Please...GO.¨ Yoongi cried out weakly.

Tae simply shook his head. ¨Take me with him.¨ He demanded. Yoongi shook his head screaming the words ¨NO¨ as Tae was then handcuffed and brought alongside Yoongi to a small room.

The room was completely white, with a single bed on one corner. ¨The execution is tomorrow, Seo-jun will be pleased to know it's both of  you.¨ One of the guards said as he closed the door, leaving Yoongi and Tae in the room.

¨Why would you do that?!¨ Yoongi asked, he raised his voice just a bit making Tae flinch. ¨You have a life ahead of you Tae, you have Linda and she wants a baby, if not her you have a job, if not that: You have your whole fucking life ahead of you.¨ Yoongi's tone gradually decreased as his voice turned into soft sobs. ¨You have the rest of your life to fall in love again Taehyung, why did you bother to come back?¨

¨Yoongi, I may not remember you entirely, but I remember bits and pieces of you, and bits and pieces of me. And it makes sense, it just does.¨ Tae paused and pulled out the picture from his pocket, ¨This picture makes sense - I have never looked and felt happier, both in the picture and now. And I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I let the one strand of happiness that I have ever felt just slip from my fingers.¨

¨You're right that I have my whole life ahead of me, but what's the point? Meeting you, again, was the best thing to happen to me, Yoongi. So even if I don't remember the old you, I remember this you, and this you makes me so incredibly happy and warm and maybe that's all I have ever wanted in life. To feel something besides the incredible dullness I did. So if you're going to ask me why I came back the truth is simple: I couldn't let you go with whatever it is you were going to go through alone.¨ Tae reached for Yoongi's hand, squeezing it lightly.

¨You're so stupid.¨ Yoongi half smiled before hugging the taller man tightly, gripping onto him for a while, letting out soft sobs. ¨So stupid....¨ Yoongi mumbled again. Tae held Yoongi tighter, kissing the top of his head as he did. ¨You do this to me, Yoongs.¨ He whispered back.

"This feeling, what I feel right now - I want to feel it for the rest of my life. And if tomorrow is my last day breathing, I'll die knowing that I was loved and that I loved as well." Tae's voice was barely a whisper, tears lined his eyes as he spoke.

"I don't want to die." Yoongi whispered back. For the second time in his life, Yoongi was scared. He wasn't scared of death, he was scared that now that everything is falling into place again - that it's not going to stay like that forever.

Yoongi and Tae had tonight, and tonight only. And that just had to be enough.

re•mem•ber (Taegi) | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now