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"I remembered...Bits and pieces of that day...And I remembered...I remember how you - you - you protected me, because I was scared... And I know you were probably scared shitless too... But you didn't show it because I was scared...And I can tell that you're scared now, and I am too..." Tae stopped talking, he took a sharp breath and looked at Yoongi who's eyes were glued to the white tiles on the floor. "But unlike that day, we are together...And if we're scared, we're scared together.." Tae hugged Yoongi from the back, holding back the tears that were ready to pour.

"I'm so sorry Tae" Yoongi whimpered. "I'm so so sorry."
"Don't be sorry. Why are you sorry?" Tae kissed the top of Yoongi's head in between words.
"I'm so sorry." Yoongi whispered again.
"Yoongs, don't be sorry. I'm the one who's sorry. For not believing you. For not giving you a chance. For waiting till now..." Tae's voice trailed off.

Both Tae and Yoongi stayed in that position for a minute. It was dead silent, but in that moment, that's all they needed. Silence. No words were spoken, just shaky breathes and even tighter grips.

"Can I hold you?" Yoongi finally asked. Tae simply nodded, getting up from the floor and placing himself onto the bed, followed by Yoongi.

Tae's much larger frame pressed against Yoongi's abdomen as Yoongi held him tightly, slightly kissing his shoulder. "I used to hold you like this, for years... One day you just grew." Yoongi chuckled to himself, "I used to be taller, you know?" Tae nodded. "Used to be.."

"If things would've worked out, we would be far away from here... Maybe have our own kids... Be married... Happy." Yoongi took a jagged breath, almost to stop himself from crying. "But it didn't.." His voice cracked. "It's okay Yoongs, in a way it did work out... We're here now, together. Sure in a white room, but together. And that's really all that matters." Tae whispered back, he held Yoongi's cold hands with his own, kissing Yoongi's knuckles.

"Yeah, together." Yoongi whispered back. Another silence filled the room, both their hearts were beating fast and hard. Both were scared for what awaited them tomorrow, but neither wanting to talk about it. But maybe that was for the best, leaving all those words unsaid was for the best. They both know that the other was scared, and they both seemed to be somewhat okay with it. Almost as if they have came to the realization that this is what their destiny always was.

Tae was the first to fall asleep, he held on to Yoongi's hands and curled up in a ball to make himself smaller.

Yoongi on the other hand laid wide awake in bed, clutching onto Tae as if he was to disappear any second now. "I'm so sorry I dragged you into this." Yoongi whispered softly, tracing small circles onto the palm of Tae's hand with his thumb.

"In another world it would've worked out" Yoongi thought to himself, in another world.

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