TWO ↦ "What choice do we have?"

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"You go to hell and tell them I'm coming"

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Pietro eventually came to a stop, setting Wanda's feet onto the ground.

"What do we do now sister?" He questioned.

"I don't know"

As the hulk wrecked havoc in the city, the Maximoff twins were going find Ultron. He was uploading himself into a new body, an indestructible one.

The first thing Wanda noticed when she entered the lab was the doctor's and scientist's eyes. That kind of blue could only come from one thing. The sceptre. Loki's sceptre. They were walking around minding their own business but the look on their faces and the emptiness in their eyes said more than enough. Wanda didn't like where it was going.

She stepped forward, putting her hands on the cradle, prying into the mind of the sleeping body, and what she saw, caused a powerful migraine to spring into her head.

Wanda lept back in shock, her brothers arms instantly holding her close, protecting her. She couldn't believe she was thinking this but the Avengers were right. Ultron isn't saving mankind, he's destroying it.

"You said we were going to help the world, not kill it!" She said accusingly to Ultron.

"No, I said the world needed to evolve. And when I'm done, it will."

Sirens started going of around her and red lights flashed. Whilst Ultron was distracted she shot a red beam of magic toward the doctor, freeing her of her mind control. The sirens grew louder as Ultron disconnected himself from the cradle. The doctor began tapping the screen in front of her, obviously doing something that Ultron didn't like, as he shot her across the room.

Fear grew inside both of the twins. Pietro wasted no time grabbing Wanda and speeding off, away from Ultron.

Most of the scientists from the lab had fled, along with anyone else in the building. However, the bodies of those left behind littered the floor. Ultron stalked towards the door, he was at a serious disadvantage now. He had lost the most powerful allies a person could have, and he was going to suffer dearly because of it.

Several robots followed him, pulling the cradle along with them. They loaded it onto a truck before speeding off, whilst Ultron silently hoped he could outrun The Avengers, although he knew deep down that he wasn't going to win this war.

The two Maximoffs watched from a distance as the Avengers fought with Ultron. They wanted to help but didn't know how they could, and didn't know why they wanted to either.

Wanda had seen what Ultron was planning for the earth, she had to stop it. As much as she wanted to hate the Avengers, she now understood what they had been trying to accomplish from the start. They just wanted to live. So did she, so did Pietro.

Wanda watched as Ultron began to fight Captain America. She knew that he was powerful, that if he tried hard enough, he could defeat Ultron. But not alone.

"Pietro we have to help him!" She exclaimed.

Her brother acknowledged her sudden change of heart, having one himself. Silently nodding he sped them both onto the train. Pietro delivered a punch to Ultron, knocking him off balance and giving the Captain time to get on his feet. Wanda blocked Ultron's path.

"Please, don't do this..." Ultron almost showed emotion. Almost. He knew that without the twins on his side, the chances of him winning were very low. Still, that wouldn't stop him from trying.

"What choice do we have?" Wanda's accent became stronger with every word.

Ultron didn't reply, he simply flew off before anyone could stop him.

"Maximoff!" The captain called as both twins turned around.

The train was going incredibly fast, and with the driver dead and the end of the tracks coming up, the Captain was becoming desperate.

"Can you stop this thing?" He directed his question at Wanda.

She gave a quick nod and began to summon the red hex to her hands, before shooting her magic into the tracks.

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