TWELVE ↦ Going Away

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"It's the calm before the storm..."

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Wanda woke in her bed, thinking it was all a dream. Loki had been so nice and sweet to her, it couldn't have possibly been real. But it had, the note left on the bed side proved that much.

I left before you woke. I guessed you wouldn't want your precious Avengers to see you curled up next to me. I shall see you a breakfast.

Despite the obvious annoyance of him having to leave, Wanda thought it was sweet of him to be cautious about being around the rest of the Avengers. His distaste for being around the group could be easily seen through the writing but she didn't pay too much attention.

Wanda then re-read the note and blushed. Curled up next to me. She had curled up to sleep on the God of Mischief, lies and deceit. Yet she couldn't find it in her to care.

Wanda slowly padded into the kitchen. She hadn't bothered dressing up. Nowhere to go. Plus she spent the beginnings of her morning thinking about Loki. From what everyone had told her, he had been nothing like he was the evening before. She also doubted he would be like this with everyone else.

Wanda didn't know what was so special about her. Why of all people did the Loki decide to be nice to her, no-one else, just her. From what she could remember of her normal life in Sokivia, she wasn't a popular girl. Didn't have boys chasing her left, right and centre, wasn't considered pretty of especially smart, so why her?

Wanda's focus was brought back from her thoughts when she heard her name being called from the other side of the room. It was Pietro, ever the loud one. She had always the quiet one out the two, unless you were trusted enough by her and then she would come out if her shell and become just as loud and lively as Pietro.

"Sister, you seem more quiet than usual. Is something troubling you."

"When did you learn to sound so posh and smart, brother?" Wanda giggled and a smile cracked onto Pietro's face. Pietro was never bothered about how he sounded and didn't make an effort to sound smarter than he was like Wanda did when they were younger.

"You are getting your silver tongue back dear sister. Come, we need to go to the team meeting, everyone is waiting for us."

It seems Wanda did have somewhere to go after all.

It was quiet in the meeting room, the Avengers sat silent and waiting for Steve to start talking about whatever it was they had so urgently been called there about.

It was quiet in the meeting room, the Avengers sat silent and waiting for Steve to start talking about whatever it was they had so urgently been called there about

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Wanda sat in her seat and looked around at the other Avengers. She read the expressions on their faces, trying to figure out the depth of the situation. It was a better habit to replace the one of looking into their minds. All of their faces showed worry and regret. Those two didn't go well together. It more often than not meant that their mind was already made up, they had made the plan, started it and were just waiting for the inevitable time bomb to go off.

And she was 100% right.

"The hell! I'm not spending god knows how long, at a farm god knows where when I could be helping you defeat Red Skull!"

The Avengers were trying to convince Wanda to sit this fight out. 'You're still learning about your powers and how to control them' as Bruce so calmly put it.

"Think about this Wanda he is after you and Bucky, the safest option is for you to leave and go somewhere safe!" Steve was trying to explain the situation to Wanda but she wasn't having it.

"But only I'm going! You said nothing about Bucky leaving so why is he staying here to fight and I can't?!" Wanda was livid.

"He and Steve are going to a safe house a couple miles out. You're not the only one sitting out the fight!" Tony's temper however could match Wanda's at times.

And so Wanda found herself on a plane to god knows where for god knows how long. Her anger had calmed, but only due to the fact her twin was in the next seat.

Pietro was silently relieved when they told him they would be going with her. Of course she was his sister so they would clearly pick him to sit out the fight with her but Pietro was thankful due to the fact the last time he saw anyone of HYDRA, they had subjected them to torture and nearly killed them. That and the last battle he was in he nearly died.

Pietro didn't know what came over him that day but he just knew he couldn't let the 'old man' die. That would've been harder to witness than anything he had seen so far in his life. But he just summed it up to being part of a team and wanting to protect his team mates.

Wanda had stayed silent for most of the journey. Going through the airport was, thankfully, a quick and easy process. Pietro had spent the last half hour talking endlessly, trying to get Wanda to open up. And surprisingly it had worked.... To some extent. Wanda was smiling and laughing at her brothers lame jokes, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. Pietro could tell she was still mad about being put on the sidelines but he was happy she was communicating again.

The twins pulled up at a large farmhouse with a small barn to the edge. There was two horses grazing in the fields next to the barn. Wanda's smile grew even more. She had always wanted a quiet life away from the city, and for now she was going to have exactly that.

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