TEN ↦ Trickery and Lies

830 23 6

"Don't trust everything you see, even salt looks like sugar."

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Wanda could barley hear her own thoughts over all the Avengers arguing. She stood in the corner hiding behind Pietro, silently listening to the ongoing argument. Tony, Steve and Natasha stood on one side of the room. Tony was in a fit of rage, refusing to be anywhere near 'Reindeer games' as he so excellently put it. Natasha wasn't as fierce in her argument but then again she never showed emotion. Steve, being the unproblematic captain that he was, was simply calmly asking Thor whether he could be trusted.

Clint and Pietro didn't contribute to the argument as much and Wanda and Bruce simply stood still and watched silently, not wanting to be involved.

Meanwhile, the one person that caused this chaos was sitting in the corner of the room, smirking at the drama unfolding in front of him. Loki sat in the shadows enjoying the spilt in the Avengers views, not even caring it was about him.

Wanda had heard about what Loki had done in New York. She often thought it was brave to go against the Avengers like that, despite the fact she had done it herself. Wanda closed her eyes and tried to enter the god's head, but she hit a barrier as soon as her magic appeared. She opened her eyes again to see Loki looking directly at her. He knew exactly what she was doing but to Wanda's surprise she didn't see anger in his eyes. It was expected, she tried to pry into his mind but instead of the fury she expected to see she just saw curiosity.

Loki sat watching the Avengers argue, enjoying every moment. But then something made him pause for a moment. The familiar feeling of magic creeping into his mind made the shit-eating grin get wiped of his face. Loki glanced around the room, he knew none of the original avengers could posses magic like that so his gaze shifted to the two unfamiliar figures standing away from the rest of the group.

A tall young man with silver hair and a small young woman standing just behind him. They were obviously twins but what caught Loki's attention was the girl had her eyes closed and red wisps were twirling around her hands.

He blocked her magic with his own and her eyes snapped open, revealing scarlet iris' before fading back to brown. If this was anyone else then Loki would be furious at the fact that someone had dared peer into his mind, but behind this girls eyes he saw pain, similar to his own and he knew that whatever past torture he had gone through, her's was similar. Her eyes where dull, void. Whoever did this to her obviously took their time making sure she felt real pain. Probably succeeding.

However, the most prominent emotion in her eyes was fear, whether it was of him or someone else, he wanted to know. His gaze was pulled away from the young girl when he realised the room had fallen silent. The rest of the Avengers' eyes switching between him and Wanda.

And Tony was the only one to speak up.

"Are you two done with you Witchy-woo mind conversation yet?"

Wanda blushed and looked to the ground while Loki just rolled his eyes. The Avengers, one by one, slowly left the room, leaving only Thor, Loki, Wanda and Pietro. Thor whispered a few words of warning to his brother before leaving to find him a room to stay in. Pietro stepped forward and held out his hand.

"Pietro." Ever the polite.

Loki did the same before turning to Wanda who was standing next to Pietro. She like her brother, held out her hand, plastered a small smile on her face and introduced herself.


Loki took her hand in his and held it just a little longer than he should of but he didn't care.

"Nice to meet you..."


May all ScarletFrost shippers rejoice

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