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Wanda walked calmly down the streets of Sokovia. After the battle of Ultron it's inhabitants began to slowly rebuild the city. It may have taken a while but it was beginning to look like the home she remembered it as, better than it was in fact.

Exactly two months after the battle with Red Skull, Wanda went back to Sokovia to help rebuild her home. She was planning on staying for a year, possibly two, in the country before returning to the Avengers. She called Pietro constantly, since he had stayed in America, and he would update her as to what was happening at the base. Clint was the topic of most of their conversations and Wanda could help but notice the lovestruck tone in his voice.

Wanda wandered around the corner, smiling at some children running down the pavement. She prayed they would have a better childhood than her. The rubble of the building she used to live in had been cleared an in its place was a memoriam park, with a bench with all the names of the lost in the centre. She knelt down and smiled at the plaque in front of her. Her parents names at the top. A singular tear streamed down her face before she wiped it away and stood up again.

She saw a streak of silver hair at the entrance of the park. The owner had his back to her but she would recognise him anywhere. She ran over to her brother before enveloping him in a hug.

"You came!"

"Of course I did sister.... It's nice, what they did here."

Wanda smiled sadly. "Yeah it is."

Pietro stepped back and it was then that Wanda noticed Clint was standing behind him. Pietro grabbed onto Clint's hand and a smile lit up on Wanda's face again.

"Oh shush sister!"

"I didn't say anything!"

"But you wanted to, didn't you?"

And to that Wanda just smirked. Pietro rolled his eyes before wrapping his free arm around Wanda's shoulder.

"Whatever. Now, come. We need to see if ol' Magorns shop is still around the corner."

Wanda smiled again before following her brother and Clint down the pavement. Finally things were looking to be good again. It wasn't something Wanda had felt since she was 10 and her parents were still alive. Good sounded really nice right about now. Wanda could use some good.

So it was perfect that good was actually happening.

No-one saw the figure in the tree line near the compound.

The Avengers had cost him everything, now he was going to get revenge.

The Witch • WANDA MAXIMOFF ✓Where stories live. Discover now