6: Date Night

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His Claim 6: Date Night

★ His Claim ★

® NaughtyRosie ®

UPDATED: Hey guys. I was suppose to update this yesterday but it just kept going on and on. This is like half cause I had to break it in half. ;)

•★(Did not edit)★•

★•*•★ His Claim 6 ★•*•★


Did he say date?

I stood shell shocked looking at him and wondering what the he'll was going on in his head that he would even think of something like that.

I didn't regain my composure till his arm circled around my hips and he lead me to the machine. The sight of the motorbike had everything screaming back into reality.

I leaped away a rattle of no's leaving me.

"It's just a bike Kelly." he assured turning to face me.

"No. That thing is a giant death machine waiting to happen. What happened to your truck?" I ask referring to the car he used all the time before he left and returned with this...monstrosity.

"Sold it. Kelly it's really not that bad."

"You sold your car?! Why? You loved that truck. We used to ride it everywhere" I exclaim still stuck on the fact he would sell the same truck I'd watched him precious since he fully repaired it from the junk yard we got it from.

The old thing had been practically hopeless before hours and hours of Danny's hard labor on it bringing back the youth. I'd even joked that he loved the car more than he loved me.

That little joke lead to our first kiss, right on the hood of the truck. Hot, sensual and filled with so much longing, I got shivers of dazed longing just remembering it.

"It held more pain than it was worth. Too many memories...I had to. I couldn't even look at it without thinking of you" he said diverting his eyes from mine. Not before I caught a flash of pain so deep it rattled me to my being.

I gulped circling my hands around my shoulders as the silent night creeped around us, with nothing but the sound of the party, now almost six houses. I didn't realize we had moved so far from it all.

"Come with me. Just give us tonight. Please Kelly." he said making me look back up to find his eyes burning into mine. His hand was outstretched towards me. The choice to take it, mine.

I gulp, as my heart rate thumped wild and untamed. Just like him and the way his touch erupted the wild hunger within me.

Before I could think much about it, I was reaching a quivering hand towards his. Heat erupted when his hand touched mine and I let in a sharp inhale of air. Those eyes burned into mine as his hand circled around my much smaller hand and he smiled softly. Taken away yet again by those captivating blues, I was soon letting him lead me forward.

He pulls me into his arms as the other hand circled around my hips. The gentle touch in his eyes stealing my breath away along with any last minute doubts I harbored.

As we climb onto the motorbike, yet another flash of orange caught my eye. I look up in time as my eyes collide with Payne's, in the shadows. My eyes widened. How long had he been there?

The machine roared to life beneath us and my grip tightened around Danny's middle. I buried my head in his shirt, inhaling deeply as i tried to memorize his aluring unique musk. How could everything about one guy be so intoxicating?

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