10: Hell of a day

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★♥★His Claim 10 ★♥★


"Hot...it's hot." I panted through choked breaths. My skin was painfully sensitive and my body was shaking violently. I half grabbed her arm the contact setting my already hot flesh aflame.

It wasnt just Corys touch then. The more anyone touched me the higher my body temperature spiked. And yet goosebumps covered my flesh as I continued to shiver.

Then I couldn't read all the signs of what was happening to me. I couldn't diagnose what Danny had done that made my body betray me and go mad on me.

But Mrs.Mathews knew. She had long ago gone through the process herself.

And for the first time in my life I heard something I thought I would never hear. Mrs. Mathews swore.

"Shit! Holy shit-fuçk Kelly. You are going into heat!"


His Claim 10

My eyes fluttered open to the early morning sun and the familiar cream of my bedroom walls.

The dried up pizza sauce on the roof. Yet another reason I will never let Mariah bring food in my room again.

Movement in my side vision had me turning towards the light steaming through my agape window. A cool breeze lifting the curtains to wave in the early hour. It couldn't have been any later than six.

Yet that's wasn't what had my attention. A tan male back, sitting at the edge of the bed had gained my attention. He was facing away from me, with his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands.

The faint early morning sunrise was still barely creeping over the horizon through the slightly parted curtains in front of him. The light creating a faint silhouette of rippling male muscles and thick, luscious dark hair.

My first thought was to demand answers to all that had occurred especially in the past 48 hours. To ask why and how and so many questions that rammed and echoed through my brain, making me shut my eyes tight to burn them down.

Yet I kept my mouth shut. I could ask all those later. Not now. Something else pressed forward that I never noticed before.

Dark ink caressed his silky golden flesh in intricate undistinguished designs. From his right shoulder, down his back and across to the lower left. The intricate design and curves didn't hold the regular dark ink tone of a tattoo. They rather shimmered with what looked like miniature black diamonds giving it an ethereal appeal.

I let the sheets slide off my bare flesh, sitting up in bed. It left my stomach and breast bare to the morning sun and the faint chill in the air. The cool air making my nipples tighten and bead up. Yet I couldn't care less.

My motion -sitting up- didn't faze him, and I faintly wondered if he already knew I was up or just wasn't acknowledging me.

Lifting my hand, I was dazed and feeling slightly hypnotized by the gorgeous patterns inked onto his flesh. My hand gently settles on his broad back, feeling the heat radiating off his flesh on my open palm.

My goodness he was hot! His flesh was barely not scorching my palm. Body temperature at exceeding anyone burning from a high fever.

He instantly stiffened from my -no doubt- much cooler touch. His beautiful muscles flexing and rippling under the golden morning sun as he turned slightly, beginning to look back. Yet he froze as my fingers slowly began to trace the enchanted ink on his flesh.

"It's beautiful" I whispered feeling his muscles relax beneath my finger tips again. "Where did you get it?" I lightly continued to trace the pattern feeling a shiver run through him, from my touch.

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