11. Payne

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★♥ His Claim 11 ♥★




Panic ran cold and strong in my veins as my eyes widened with fear and adrenaline pulsed into my veins at the thought. I have to stop watching those shows.

A musky scent clogged my nose seeping down to my lungs.

"Pretty Kelly. Ready for our special time together?" a deep masculine voice breathed against my neck.

Horror seeped into me and I froze when I recognized the voice as not that of a strangers.


Whatever thing he'd clammed over my face had my body going numb as the world became a blur. Then darkness took over and everything slipped away.

★♥★His Claim 11 ★♥★

I awaken to the choking, stuffy stench of cigarettes and blood.

Nothing says 'good morning' like a killer headache and one entire side of your body completely numb.

I looked up at my surroundings taking in the dark room with a single, flickering lightbulb working. It was in the center and basked the rest of the room in shadows and dark silhouettes.

The walls a cemented dark grey with vicious looking slashes ripped into the cement. It looked like claws and a soft chill ran through me when I noticed the dried up dark crimson stains splattered here and there.

What in the world was this room used for?

I only then noticed the entire room looked more like an old empty storage room with a huge thick metal door that looked more like a vault. It was huge and took up enough space for two doors.

"Crap...Where am I?" I groan taking it all in. Unable to think of a building in town that might hold this within. I try sitting up only to mumble out a curse as my eyes spun and my stomach churned.

Goodness. What in the world did that guy shove in my face and up my nose!?

After a good five minutes my vision was still swirling with black spots. I'd pulled myself up to a sitting position against the wall and my previously aching ribs were burning.

I half hiss out a curse breathing sharp deep breaths through my nose as I lifted up my shirt. The mark on my chest was a glowing angry red that hurt like héll. Like a fresh stab had been ripped into my abdomen.

I could barely take in a full breath without feeling like my insides- especially around my ribs- were going to rip apart or combusts completely.

Shutting my eyes tight, my head fell back as I took in deep breaths.

Already the pain from whatever the hell this mark on my chest means is half killing me. And Payne hadn't even seen me awake yet. Shït. Payne.

What did he want? The last time I'd seen him was when Danny had shown up with him last Thursday. The memory of Cory pulling me close and away from Paynes piercing eyes that day had me shivering.

Big mistake because it only had my ribs aching more and me bitting down hard on my lip.

Goddamn it. What did Danny do to me?! Im going to cut that boys balls off when I see him again. If I see him again. Had it really been only a week since he showed up? Wow. New record. It took him less than a week to flip my life on it's arse.

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