4. Dinner

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His Claim 4

Updated! (took awhile didn't it?) sowwy!!!


My smile died however when my eyes collided with Danny's smirking gaze and he winked. We didn't need to talk for me to know what he was thinking.

Our 'contract' earlier was on his mind and a shiver ran through me at the thought of the things he had in mind. Scariest part being I didn't know if it was a shiver of regret or excitement.

Either way, Danny was back. And I'd just given him free reign over my body.


This is probably the most awkward day in my life. I mean could this get any worst?!

Cory was smiling at me from across the table and I was expected to act normal and smile, even with Danny sitting to my right and making himself very comfortable.

As in a little too comfortable because his hand keeps landing on my knee despite how many times I push it away.

We were currently having dinner. 'We' being me, Cory, who was directly in front of me, Danny to my right with their mom Cathy and nana on both sides of the table. Across from Danny was Mariah who showed up earlier out of nowhere just as the food reached the table.

I swear the girl has a build in food detector in her spleen. Not her brain cause that has been overtaken with boys, sex and evil plots.

"Danny I still can't believe you're here." Mariah said leaning forwards across the table so her cleavage was practically in Danny's face.

She batted her lashes and a finger played with her curled, shiny black hair, leaning forward even more so the hem of her top was practically under her tits.

'Damn girl. Desperate much?'

I roll my eyes looking away. The entire table was silent and it took me looking up to find all eyes on me to realize I'd voiced my words out loud.

My eyes widened as I looked up at Maraih to find her narrowed eyes at me.

Well crap.

"um...I uh..." I begin blushing. I look up just as Danny glanced down at me and a knowing, amused smirk curved on his lips.


Why did I have to open my big mouth?!

"Nice to meet you again Mari." Danny smiled sitting back in his chair and taking a drink of his soda. He glanced at me but I ignored the look, keeping my head down. No more talking for me today.

"Kelly how was your day, today?" Cathy, the twins mother asked from the head of the table.

I jolt up slightly biting on my lip.

So much for not talking...

"um..." I began as my tongue swiped out to wipe my suddenly very dry lips.

It didn't help that when she asked about my day, the only thing that came to mind was Danny's lips all over me earlier and the way his touch set my body aflame.

My body tenses as I feel his hand on my knee hold firmer as he slowly moved it up and down my thigh. Far from the hem of my shorts but very prominent and distracting.

The mere thought of his hands around that same area earlier has erotic images of his body tagged against mine, flying past my eyelids. I could feel my core awakening as the heat from his palm against my skin were like electric shocks shooting strait to my suddenly throbbing core.

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