7: His Touch

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It seamed like the entire night had been filled with his kisses and touch. What scared me more was the fact I didn't protest to any of his touches anymore. I more craved it. The passion and desire and emotions.

This kiss wasn't like some of the others we shared. Still all consuming ", heart racing, lust pumping like every touch we shared. But much more tame and deep. It made me feel so fragile in his powerful arms as he thrust his tongue deep and filled me.

He came up, pulling back and leaving me in a panting, quivering mess.

And then he was gone. My eyes snapped open just as he sunk into the deep darkness of the water.

★•*•★ His Claim 7 ★•*•★

"Danny!" I screamed eyes wide as My head swung from side to side searching. Where he disappeared, the water was as dark and consuming like the rest of the lake with low waves and slow ripples rocking the boat side to side.

Oh no. Where was he?! You can't just disappear under water like that. I would at least be able to see a silhouette or something.

My eyes stared intently on where he had suddenly sunk into the deep waters and I gulped.

"Danny?!" I call clenching the side of the boat as tears brimmed my eyes. But all I wad met with was an wiry silent crash and fall of the waves rocking the boat from side to side.

Shouldn't he have broken up to the surface by now? What if something had happened to him? What would I do?

"Danny!!" I scream as my grip on the edge tightened so hard, I was certain I would have red lines on my hands when I let go.

Something moved in the water in my peripheral vision on the other side of the boat. I swing around just as he broke out of the water creating waves that almost tilled me all the way in with him.

I rushed to that side of the boat as a burst of relief like no other rolled forwards within me.

"Hey," he laughed bobbing slightly as he ran his hands through his hair and down his face. His hands reached forward and he held the side of the boat and smiled up at me. The smile disintegrated when he saw the shocked and dread on my face.


"What the héll was that? Are you crazy?!" I screamed clenching tighter to the edge of the boat. I was shaking so much and it was not from the cold. I reached and gripped his hand on the side of the boat for assurance that he was really here with me.

His skin was colder than it was before he got in, but surprisingly slight warm resonated still.

He looked shocked by my state of complete disarray and the tears burning my eyes, I keep ferociously trying to blink back.

"You disappeared so suddenly and didn't come back up Danny. Do you want me to have a freaking heart attack at eighteen?!" I pull his hand up leaning down to push his open palm against my chest. I know he can feel the rapid thumping of my heart going at a zillion miles an hour.

"Kelly, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"Well you did. Don't you dare do that again" I sunk forward, until my forehead lay on his other hand still on the boat while I held the other against my chest.

"Kelly, it's okay love. The cold water caught me off guard and I froze for a second before kicking back up to the surface. It's ok." he said as the hand my forehead was moved up to cradle my cheek.

I held his hand taking a breath as I tried to calm the reeling emotions running wild within me. Finally I look up into those perfect blue eyes and swallowed hard.

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