Pokemon Story 16: Mystery of the Lost Cameras

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Officer Jenny and Red had decided to keep an eye on the entire region of Kanto by tying a camera on the wing of some Pidgeots with a rope! The Pidgeots were completely fine with it so they did it. Red, Misty and Serena went out of the Pokemon Police Station after this happened. 'So, it has been some hours since we are doing this... let's go home now!' Red said 'We will come back together tomorrow at the same place we met today!' Everyone agreed to Red and went home. That night, Officer Jenny dozed off while watching the camera footage. Suddenly one of the cameras got destroyed and one of the camera footage screens of Officer Jenny turned black. Suddenly this started to happen to every screen there until all the cameras were somehow destroyed. The next day, she woke up in the morning. She yawned. Suddenly she say the morning rays coming from the door and she freaked out. 'Wait, I was supposed to see the camera footage the entire night!' she thought 'But it's okay, nothing happens in the night anyways since everyone is asleep that time, just like me... So yeah, but still I will rewind it later to see what happened.' She opened her eyes completely and then turned her head up. She looked at a completely black screen. 'Wait, what happened...' she thought as she went towards the screen 'Did all the cameras get turned off somehow?' She looked at the button that controlled the footage. The button told "ON" She turned back with a confused look on her face just to see the Pidgeots, her's including, hiding in a corner of the Pokemon Police Station. 'What happened?' she said as she came towards all the scared Pidgeots. She took out a pokeball and got her own Pidgeot back inside it. Suddenly the other ones flew away. 'I wonder what happened...' she thought.On the other side, Serena was getting closer to remembering that voice... 'I remember some boy with a red cap and a blue dress... it was his voice... we were childhood friends too, and helped me a lot in my journey... who was it?' she thought as she lay on her bed.

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