Pokemon Story 35: The Weapon Unleashed

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Red, Serena and Misty were thrown out of the palace but they saw thousands of people approaching towards it with their pokemons, holding boards like "You killed our innocent people, we will kill your EMPIRE!" They marched towards the palace. This time however, before the guards could inform the Mastermind, the pokemons attacked the guards and crushed their pokeballs. 'YOU DON'T KNOW OUR POWER!' They yelled in unity... Ash heard this... 'Time for me to go...' he said as he went upstairs. The people marched in through the doors and broke all the windows by rocks... They destroyed all the Team Empire members and kept marching in. On the other hand, Ash went upstairs and smiled, seeing a broken window. He broke it even more, completely, as he thought "A perfect escape..." MewUltimate used his psychic powers to slowly let Ash get out of the window. If he jumped from that height, he knew he would break his leg... The people downside got distracted by Alain's body lying on the floor. 'He is the Kalos champion!' one of the people said 'Maybe the Mastermind defeated him, try to wake him up...' They shaked him and tried to wake him up but he didn't.... Suddenly one of the people, who was Nurse Joy, went and touched his hand. 'He won't wake up...' she said with shock 'He is in sleep, forever...' All the people were shocked too after hearing it... 'How can the Mastermind be so cruel?' they thought... On the other side, Ash got out of the palace and headed to the Kalos forest. 'Nobody will be there to disturb me in the forest... there I would finally be able to peacefully let the energy beam OUT!' he thought as he ran there with MewUltimate. He looked at his black, metallic glove.... the weapon of pokemon destruction, with a grin.

He pressed the button on it and held his hand high up in the air.... The red beam went up high into the air, just like Team Flare had wanted years before... and then it was about to come down... but suddenly Ash saw a portal open... He frowned as he murmured "Ohno..." Out of the shiny portal entered the majestic Arceus, the god of all pokemons, walking in the air with his usual effortless grace... He tried to use his Psychic powers to stop the weapon... It wouldn't... Ash smiled... Arceus tried even more and more and more... Slowly the red beam was coming down...

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