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as hyunjin holds the cigarettte between his two lips, he takes out his lighter and flicks it for the light to appear. taking the small object, he lights and inhales the smoke shortly. blowing out once he's done.

looking up at the sky, he hates how beautiful the world looks. the scenery in some places make him think, how did a horrible specimen take over a planet like this?

he hated people who judged. lied straight to your face, thinking you're the idiot when in reality they are. he hates how idiotic the world is, their dense thoughts and opinions are disgusting.

he hates how some concepts are forbidden, how they're seen as revolting. how some people are looked down upon due to their appearances or if they have a disability.

it sucked to be in such a world that had so much more negativity rather than positivity. he hated how he was dragged into a dark hole, rather than pulled into the bright light.

so he once again inhales the dark smoke, blowing it out without a care. he doesn't cough by the scent or cover his nose. realize how much it's bad for him. cause he knows, he knows how much this will affect him in the long run.

but he doesn't care, because one day.

we'll all die.

and no matter how he dies, it wouldn't matter.

because nobody cares for him now. so why would anyone care after.

BREATHING | seungjin Where stories live. Discover now