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smokers is one of types of people kim seungmin hates most. how could you intoxicate such insidious fuel into you. it was purely atrocious.

not only that, his father who is no longer with him was addicted to smoking. his addiction needed to be fulfilled, if it wasn't. he'd rage, stay angry to where seungmin was afraid to say a simple hello. but, his father was taken by the small objects. meaning, he was never to be seen again. his mother forced his father to go if he wouldn't stop, knowing the cleansed air could not be harmed by the black smoke. so he did,

he left without a trace.

seungmin didn't have a father figure, he didn't mind but it still hurt. just him and his mother. being an single mother was hard, he could tell by the stress forming in his mother's head that caused headaches. and the tears that would flow in the middle of the night when seungmin would be 'sleeping'. he felt somewhat guilty, so he did everything he could to support her.

but he sat again on the bench of the bus stop. he was cold and shivering, the morning was freezing and his sweater wasn't thick enough to keep him warm. it felt as if his fingers were going to fall off and all the chapstick in the world couldn't save his cold and chapped lips. so he sits there, holding himself praying that the bus will come soon.

minutes that feel like hours pass, seungmin's teeth start to chatter and he feels another presence beside him. glancing, he can't really tell who it is due to the person's figure is in his blind sight. so he turns a bit more, oh. is all he thinks, "it's you." seungmin awkwardly says, it takes too much energy to speak and the boy shrugs.

"what about me?" he questions, "you always here in the mornings? isn't it quite early?"

seungmin doesn't respond immediately, his mind is too focused from the cold. "well..yeah, I take the bus to school. it is quite early but isn't it early for you as well?"

"I get up to smell the fresh air before intoxicating my lungs with the sinful black smoke I intake." he bluntly tells, seungmin's eyes widen and he looks into his lap awkwardly. "was that too much?"

seungmin shakes his head, trying not to make the boy feel bad. "n—no! if that's how you like to express yourself then it's totally fine.."

"it's not, I talk like that so people don't want to continue to have a conversation me ." he explains, "guess it didn't work for you."

a small smile forms on seungmin's face, "you're an odd one aren't you? I didn't catch your name."

he pulls out a box of cigarettes, seungmin immediately scooches away from the unknown boy, covering his nose. "stinky.." he quietly says, the boy rolls his eyes.

putting away be box, he decides not to smoke next to the kid. he was feeling courteous for the day, so he should feel special. "I won't smoke since you're the only person who has been nice to me."

seungmin uncovers his nose and gives a thumbs up, "well it should always be like that, smoking isn't good for you anyways."

"it's a way for me to relieve myself. is that good enough?"

"well, I eat cookies to relieve my stress or even take naps. they don't harm me."

he nods, "I mean you have a point. but hey, as I said don't tell me what to fucking do."

seungmin furrows his brow, "meanie!"

"I'm not a meanie, I'm just speaking my mind."

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