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as hyunjin's eyes flutter once the morning sunlight beams through seungmin's window. hyunjin has his arms wrapped around seungmin's waist, they're bodies close together to where blankets could not compare to the warmth. but hyunjin smiles, it's not a usual morning for him.

instead of pressing his lips against a cigarette, he leans slowly to kiss seungmin's forehead. it felt way better, cleaner, pure.

he felt somewhat cleansed, was it finally the end? was his habit going to stop and finally light was going to come into his life. the answer was unclear, but if he had seungmin in his life that's all that mattered at the moment.

he gently brushes out the strands of hair that have fallen onto seungmin's face. admiring the sleeping boy, he sighs. "you have no idea how much you've impacted my life..."

"jinnie..you're gonna make me blush and it's still early morning.." seungmin sleepily tells, snuggling into his chest. "can I have a kiss?"

hyunjin smiles, he lifts seungmin's head by his chin to give him a soft kiss. once their lips press against each other, seungmin squeals by the feeling. "tickles.."

"one day I think I'll die because of how cute you are. I'm not even joking." as the older boy chuckles, "you do understand how cute you are right?"

seungmin shrugs, rubbing his eyes he yawns. "I think it's weird stating that I'm cute. I don't want to seem conceited..."

"well I'll tell you every single day that you're cute." as hyunjin pinches one of his cheeks, "every single day I'll tell you how adorable you are, why you're worth so much to me, I'll spoil you with love and—"

seungmin cuts him off, using his pointer finger to press it against hyunjin's lips. "kisses too? a lot of them?"

hyunjin grabs the boys hand and intertwine their fingers. "a lot, everyday and whenever you want."

"so..right now?"

hyunjin smiles, "I did say whenever."

hyunjin squishes seungmin's cheeks and kisses him once again, seungmin let's out a cute giggle from the boy's action. seungmin then wraps his arms around hyunjin's neck, pulling them close. "hey jinnie..what are we now?.."

hyunjin brushes his thumb against seungmin's lips, "I want you to be mine. I want to be yours. but if you're not ready, I understand. I don't want to force you into anything."

"n—no! I want you and I..to be—"

"boyfriends." hyunjin finishes. "are you sure?"

seungmin nods his head, reassuring the boy. "positive jinnie! you're the only person who's made my heart pound like, boom! boom! and made my cheeks hurt from smiling. I want to spend as much time with you as I can!"

"me too.." hyunjin tells with a smile, he slowly lifts himself up from bed and looks at seungmin. "why don't you go get ready? I'll take you out to eat."

"l—like a date?"

"just like a date minnie."

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