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"how is it six a.m already?" seungmin questions, he looks over to his clock once more to ensure that it is the time. he sighs, slowly rising from his bed he rubs his eyes.

"this is torture, it's so early!" he whines, flopping back down instantly. another sigh releases from him and he presses his lips together hardly to where they make an engine like sound. "school isn't my forte yet it is very helpful."

getting up at last, he walks over to find something to wear. he throws on something simple, blue jeans and a blue collared shirt with stripes. finally slipping on some vans, he grabs his bag to head over to the restroom. setting it down, he lazily enters to brush his teeth and wash his face. doing all the essentials first, he goes to the kitchen and grabs a light breakfast.

he greets his mother with a small, 'good morning'. she responds with a smile and waves, "have a good day okay?"

seungmin nods and heads out the door. locking it, he takes a whiff of the fresh morning air. it was refreshing, as if his whole body was cleansed.

"let's get this day over with.." he says to himself, gripping onto his backpack straps he walks slowly to the bus stop.

arriving he sits down awkwardly, there was nobody there yet so it was just him. he pulls out his headphones, quickly plugging them into his phone. if anything, he really didn't want any human interaction at this point.

of course he had to listen to day-six. he loved them all with his full heart, their music calmed him and made him feel wanted. humming to the music, he tapped his feet and fingers to the beat.

the morning was peaceful. his music was on full blast, the air was fresh and it wasn't too dark to where he was scared of being outside.

he was enjoying it, until a disgusting scent filled his nostrils. covering his nose, he looks around the area. his eyes meet with another as the boy inhales the cigarette's smoke. he watches the air fill the atmosphere once he blows out.

seungmin blinks a couple times, wondering why a young teen would be smoking. he lowers his volume down and coughs. "excuse me.." seungmin quietly asks, "can you not smoke around me? it's making me uncomfortable."

the boy glances over to seungmin, inhaling in another whiff of the cigarette's smoke. he blows it out towards seungmin's face.

seungmin immediately fans away the dirty air and covers his mouth. "meanie! I asked nicely..."

the boy shrugs, throwing the cigarette onto the ground he smashes it with his foot. sighing, he looks into seungmin's eyes. glaring at him, "don't tell me what to fucking do."

he walks away, hands stuffed in his pockets. it was as if he ignored everything that was happening in present time, his eyes were so dull. his voice was monotone, no sign of life living within him. but seungmin bit his lip as he was somewhat intimidated, "what a weird guy.."

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