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seungmin prays hyunjin's promise isn't broken. for hyunjin to disappear so suddenly, seungmin knew his life would flash before his eyes. he hated thinking about the bad endings that could happen, he just hated it.

but for now, instead of worrying about the toxic air that may or may not be within hyunjin's body. he stares into his eyes, admiring his orbs. after school, seungmin had invited hyunjin over. his mother was at work, out and back until late night.

they cuddle on the bed, there are no words being spoken between them. hyunjin gently runs his fingers through seungmin' hair, humming. seungmin says nothing, he just stares and smiles. he knows he's blushing, but at this point it doesn't matter. his heart is beating as if he's running a marathon, to his squirming feet that can not keep still.

"seungmin.." hyunjin then whispers, a finger of his now trails down to seungmin's jawline tracing it. "stop moving..." he slowly moves to press his lips against the boy's jawline, seungmin letting out a squeak. he bites his lip.

seungmin clutches onto hyunjin's shirt, implying he wanted more kisses. although he never confessed, his actions already made it clear. hyunjin smiles between the kisses, but he also looks up every time to ensure seungmin wasn't uncomfortable. after an amount of jawline and neck kisses, hyunjin stops and looks at seungmin.

"can I—" he then presses a finger against seungmin's lips, "kiss you?.."

seungmin gulps, he wouldn't admit but it was true. he hasn't had his first kiss yet, he was in the tenth grade with virgin lips and he didn't even understand how a kiss worked.

he was hopeless.

but instead of immediately saying yes, he confesses his embarrassing words. "I—I've never kissed anyone before..."

"o—oh.." hyunjin stutters after hearing his words, scratching the back of his neck. "I—I haven't either, if you don't want to. it's okay, I'm fine with—"

"n—no! I—I do! but..y—you have to guide me." seungmin cuts off, he covers his face with one hand and points to his lips to the other. "please jinnie.."

hyunjin swallows the dry lump in his throat and nods. "okay, tell me if you get uncomfortable though."

seungmin whispers a soft, 'okay..' hyunjin initiates the kiss, tilting his head slightly he presses his lips against seungmin's. seungmin not knowing how to react, he smiles. hyunjin pulls away and chuckles from his reaction. "you're so cute, god I think I'm gonna die."

"I—It tickles.." seungmin puckers his lips slightly, "again.."

so hyunjin kisses him again, their small kisses move into hyunjin and seungmin slightly opening their mouths to where their tongues collide. their positions change as well, seungmin who is now straddled on top of hyunjin presses the boy slightly against the headboard of his bed. seungmin runs his fingers through hyunjin's messy hair, his mind lost from this crazy world. his only focus is on hyunjin.

it is the same for hyunjin, all he can think about is seungmin, just seungmin. how the boy's cheeks are red cherry flushed, to how he lets out cute little moans whenever he's feeling it. to how his lips taste like sweet strawberries in the early morning. he knew this boy was a drug, it was worse than the cigarette intake he had.

but hyunjin worried if he tasted like cigarettes. nobody wanted to kiss that, yet he tries to stray from the thought until seungmin pulls away. whispering, "stop worrying, focus on the strawberries. I promise I can't taste a thing, jinnie."

BREATHING | seungjin Where stories live. Discover now