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seungmin who takes a bite from his sandwich munches away, he listens to music as he's secluded at a bench near the back of the school. it's lunch so as long as you're on campus, you can eat anywhere. which he quite liked.

it's quiet, only the music fills his ears and he has nobody next to him. it was like this most days since jeongin was out and about with other people. he didn't have a lot of people to talk to so it was just him and his music.

which he wasn't really complaining about.

he believes the air smells quite fresher today, as if that's a thing. but he knows the scent of cherry blossom with that hint of smoked cigarettes. he turns his head slowly, there he makes eye contact with hyunjin.

pulling his earbuds out, he covers his mouth due to the munched up food he hasn't swallowed. "you came to school?"

"just for today." hyunjin replies, plopping down onto the bench. "you always sit back here? this was my spot before I started skipping."

seungmin nods, "yeah..it's usually just me here.." he shifts away near the end of the bench and looks down into his lap.

hyunjin purses his lips from his answer. "if you're worrying about me smoking on school grounds. I won't today. only since you're here."

seungmin smiles, "that's good..that means one less cigarette smoked for the day."

"I guess you can put it that way."

silence takes over the conversation and hyunjin breaks it but scooting closer next to seungmin. the wind makes the afternoon somewhat chilly and he can see seungmin tensing up a bit to where he shivers.

"you cold?"


without any hesitation hyunjin takes off his sweatshirt, he could hear seungmin saying, 'no! it's fine..' trying to stop the boy but of course he doesn't.

once it's off, he hands it to seungmin. "here, you need it more than me."

seungmin shakes his head, "n—no it's—"

"take it."

seungmin feels the firmness in hyunjin's tone so he does, slipping the sweatshirt on it's a little big on him but he doesn't mind. instead he plays with his sweater paws and smiles, "thanks jinnie.."

jinnie. hyunjin feels his chest tighten and he nods, "o—of course.."

BREATHING | seungjin Where stories live. Discover now