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"b—because of me?" seungmin replies, all hyunjin can do is nod. he's too embarrassed to show his own face due to the blush.

"It feels so wrong to smoke. it feels right to be here with you. the mornings aren't enough and it's as if you're my empty piece." he quietly tells, he lets out a groan and lets go of the boy. "I—I'm sorry. this is so embarrassing and awkward. I can even speak correctly.."

seungmin giggles, "don't be silly, you look cute right now. and what you said was really cute!" he reassures, "is..there more you want to say."

hyunjin shrugs his shoulders, "I want t—to hang out with you..but..I feel as if everyone in this school will drag you down for it..."

seungmin tilts his head, "why do you think that?"

"isn't it so obvious seungmin! I'm a bad apple, a delinquent who smokes and never comes to school. I'm practically failing every class and my life has gone downhill. why would you want that influence?"

"you don't influence me but I will be able to influence you."

hyunjin blinks a couple times, "huh?"

"whatever I'm doing is making you stop smoking and you're now coming to school! you being a 'bad apple' doesn't hurt me in any way, I really want to be friends with you and hang out with you jinnie. you're different, and special."

hyunjin bites his lip, "y—you mean it? I don't want to disappoint you..or disappear on you.."

seungmin takes a hold of hyunjin's hand, "I'll make sure you won't disappear. I promise you won't."

he doesn't have any seconds thoughts. he trusts the boy with his full heart. hyunjin holds his hand tightly, "then I promise I won't disappear on you."

BREATHING | seungjin Where stories live. Discover now