Chapter 7:

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Chapter 7

(A/N) Hi! So just wanted to apologise for the big difference in the paragraph lengths at times. Sadly I use my phone mostly, causing me to make them shorter since it s more difficult to type, but I use Andie's laptop sometimes and make them longer. (Also noticed while editing this the laptop doesn't automatically make the i's capital but I'm sure you can deal ;) )

Enjoy the chapter! 

I decided to visit Mika and chief b***h

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I decided to visit Mika and chief b***h. She makes such a huge fuss whenever I'm nice to her daughter, saying I just want to lead her down the wrong road and I want to undermine her morals and blah blah blah.

Like I said: b***h.

I was more than a little jealous of Andie for her dragon hatching. As far as I know mine might not even hatch, it might not even be a dragon's egg. I really hope it is...

I climbed up to the roof of the academy. I'd been having dreams I could fly and lately... I'd go up there to remind myself of them, get another glimpse of the birds eye view.

I walk to the edge of the roof, my heart thumping wildly with... Excitement? The long grass below me waved at me, almost promising to cushion my fall.

My foot lifted itself from the roof and faked a step off, as if testing the stability of the air. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath-

"Kyle! Are you insane?!"

I thought it was weird that I sounded different when i asked myself that question this time, of course I realised that it wasn't me talking when I saw Mika and Abydos standing on the grass looking up at me.

I sat down, suddenly a bit shakey with what I almost did. What if I'd actually... 

"Are you ok?" Mika was suddenly behind me, crouching with her fingertips on my shoulder- as if the slightest weight she put on me would throw me off the edge. I nodded and leant back, half to get further from the edge and half because i wanted to feel her hand on my shoulder, fully touching me. Is this why Andie needed physical reassurance? Did she feel like this THAT often? The horned girl grabbed my shoulder and yanked me back, "Lets get down from here." She smiled kindly and made her way down, waiting for me below until i stood next to her- safe and sound.

She offered to make me some Melloft, a warm drink they made using milk, boiled water, various plants and enchanted things. It basically tasted like cuppachino with chocolate and marshmallows. Only a select few knew how to make it and it was a closely guarded, sacred recipe. I took her up on her offer and the three of us made our way to the food hall of the academy. The kitchen could be seen from the two, long tables in the hall through an open counter and normally open door. 

We sat and spoke for a while, finding out more things about Abydos and Mika and forgetting about the continious selfloathing and smothering depression about my awaiting inevitable selfdestruct. Abydos and that Nico professor guy were married- probably meaning that he wasnt the young boy you'd think. "I actually have this disorder," Mika was saying, "Sometimes my chest closes up and i cant breathe. It got so bad this morning mother had to call Abydos so i could wake up. My shoulders still hurt." She rubbed the one with her right hand subconciously. It sounds like asthma. At least its all i can think of. Andie tapped my shoulder from behind and nodded behind her, "Classes are gonna start soon." This caused Mika to yell, "Get learnt!" as i stood up to join my friend.

 We walked in silence and took a seat at the desks. Andet Finn walked in. They didn't have too many people that had to take the history and common knowledge courses since most people grew up with it so he handled most of the actual history classes. 

He stood up tall and folded his hands behind his back, "Today we will learn about the other tribes. As we've briefly mentioned before, all magic belong to an element and we are called the Andet, it means other, because we welcome all elements on our island. There is also the Vuur tribe. They only allow the fire element to thrive there. They normally have red hair and brown eyes, although the eyes are not always brown," he glanced at Andie while saying this and sighed before the rest, returning to staring at the back of the class, "They are the ones waging war against us; very passionate. Their total opposites are the Na'tt- the water tribe. They don't have a large island, but most of their kingdom is underwater. They are normally very pale with blonde hair. They are also the most peaceful of the tribes. Our chief is from this tribe," he ran a hand through his ash brown hair," Next is the Gr^ond. They normally have strong healing powers and black hair is always a feature in someone with earth powers. They sometimes have tanned skin as well, almost always. Like our chief's daughter, but she's more... purple. Last but not least- The Aasem tribe. They are airdwellers and love to be above ground, even if most cant fly. They have hair all the shades of brown, like eagles. They often have freckles, barely visible, but still there. They don't really care much for rules and follow their own heads with ferocity. I, sadly, can't relate to that," He glanced at the ground and then stared directly at me. 

A rush of energy blew through me.

A metal bell sounded, allerting us that the first class was over. Next we had to learn about dragons from Andet Ritaa. 


It was the end of a long day for me so i decided to head back home

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It was the end of a long day for me so i decided to head back home. I almost corrected myself until i realised that that room WAS my home. It didnt seem like i was going to leave it any time soon either. I felt a bit stupid. All this time I've been going on like i didn't just show up in a strange world and had to get back. I also felt a tinge of guilt. For what? I dont know. There's no one back home that would miss me. 

I walk into my room and close the door, flopping down onto the bed. Emile was tugging at the blanket from the side of the bed so i picked him up and he curled into a ball next to me. As i cuddled him, I drifted off dreaming about the countless times I'd sit on Kyle's balcony with her and her grandmother; laughing and drinking hot coco. 


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