Chapter 42

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.::Hello everyone! So i know i didn't update yesterday and I'm so sorry. Please share this book and the first two with everyone you know! Please!!!! Haha, see what i did there? *wink wink* Anyways, please vote, comment and share. I would love to hear from y'all so please don't be afraid to comment! If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to message me, i WILL message you back. I love y'all to bits. Happy reading! Talk to you later loves. XOXO::.

Abigayle's P.O.V.

I wake up to the smell of bacon...mmm bacon... I slip out of bed and throw on my silk robe. I run down the stairs and the realization of what happened yesterday hits me. The basement door is in pieces, and there is a trail of blood droplets going down the stairs. I snap out of the trance i was in when i hear giggling coming from the kitchen. I walk towards the kitchen and burst out laughing at the sight in front of me. Garrett is sitting on a stool at the counter laughing so hard he's crying, Grayson is wearing a pained expression and is trying to coax Grantt off of the counter. Grantt is in his wolf form and is eating the bacon straight off the stove. I couldn't contain my laughter, while Graysons face was getting redder by the second and his eyes were turning a deep gold. I need to stop this before Grayson shifts in the kitchen and hurts one of us. I stop laughing and yell in my Luna voice. "Grantt Alistair, get off of the counter right now."

Grantt looks up from the pan and directly into my eyes. Why Mommy?

My eyes widen with shock. He just mind-linked me. Weres aren't usually able to mind-link until they shift at 13. Why am i surprised, my 3 year olds shifted yesterday! Grayson looks at me in disbelief, he must have heard Grantt's message too. He was still young, he didn't know how to close it off for just one person yet. "Because i said Grantt, now do it." I speak to him in my normal tone. He jumps off the counter and lands on all four feet. He shifts back and is standing in front of Grayson in his fire truck pajamas with a smile on his face.

"That isn't funny Grantt, i told you to get down about a hundred times, you need to listen to me." Grayson says firmly. He walks over and loops his arms around my waist and kisses me. "Breakfast was supposed to be a surprise."

I giggle. "That's okay." I say with another kiss.

"Blah! That's gross." The twins yell in unison. Grayson and I both turn to face them and laugh at their faces.

Grayson kisses me again before serving us all our breakfast of bacon, eggs and toast. "So how are you feeling Babygirl?" Grayson asks in between bites.

I swallow the food that is in my mouth before answering him. "Much better, that IT has been take care of."

"Good. Do you think you could have Clare come over and watch the boys? We have a lot of things to talk about." Grayson asks. I know it has to do with the pack and suddenly there is a lump in my throat. How many pack members did we lose? Is everyone safe and okay? How could i be so selfish and only worry about me and my family. I nod after a few minutes and finish my breakfast. Grayson clears the table as i race the boys upstairs to their room to get them dressed. I get a wave of nausea for a second but it's gone just as quickly as it arrived.

"Knock knock knock. We're here!" Clare yells through the front door. She walks in with little Rianna holding her hand. My best friend never ceases to amaze me. Even with a 2 year old to look after she still makes herself look like a supermodel. She is wearing a light blue skater skirt with a long sleeved galaxy crop top. She had on black booties and a red headband wrapped around her head. Her hair was in a perfect top knot and she had on a gorgeous arrowhead necklace. She looked stunning and so did Rianna. Ria is wearing a cute red tutu with a "Team Harry" tee, red ugg boots, and a cute little blue bow that was attached to her top knot. (A/N a top knot is just a bun on top of your head.)

Compared to Clare i looked like a hot mess. Getting ready with the boys was hard because they never wanted to just stay in my room. They had to run all over the house. I mean I didn't look terrible in black skinny jeans, a grey tank top and matching grey booties. I had thrown on a bunch of rings and bracelets and a blue daisy necklace that Casey had gotten me for my birthday. "Are you ready babe?" Grayson called from upstairs.

"Yeah, Clare's here." I yell back before turning to face my best friend again. Rianna runs and jumps into my arms.

"Auntie Abi!" She yelled while wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Hello Miss Ria! I've missed you, and do you know who else missed you?"

"RIA!!!!" Grantt yelled before i could tell her. Ever since Rianna was born Grantt had taken a liking to her. I can't help but think that they'll be mates. "Ria, Ria, come with me i have to show you something!" I set her down and she chased after Grantt into the living room.

"Alright Babe, lets go!" Grayson says from behind me. "Thank you Clare, we'll be back soon." He says to her.

"No problemo." She says saluting him. I chuckle at the interaction and jump into Graysons truck.

He climbs in after me and speeds away to the pack house.

"Alpha, Luna." Raven says as we enter the pack house.

"Raven how many times do i have to tell you to call me Abi? We're friends okay, jeez." I say hitting his chest. He relaxes and slouches a bit.

"Sorry." He says with a smile. He follows Grayson and I to Graysons office, and closes the door behind us. Jace, Jaxon and Kylie are already in here waiting for us.

"Grayson." Jace says letting out a sigh.

I look around the room and can't help but feel like something is missing.

"Where's Casey?" Grayson asks.

"He's gone." Kylie says.

That's what's missing. Casey. And according to Kylie he's gone. And by the expression on every ones face i know she's right. Casey is gone.

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