Chapter 49

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I open my eyes and look around my room. I try to move but smile when i can't. My body is completely covered by little sleeping bodies. I listen to the synchronized breathing of my boys and fall back asleep. I wake only moments later, but by myself. I reluctantly crawl out of bed and walk down the stairs where i know 8 boys are awaiting my presence. i turn the corner into the kitchen. 8 sets of green eyes look up from their plates and meet mine. Grayson walks up to me and places a small kiss on my temple. The tingling sensation still gives me shivers. "Good morning Babe. Breakfast?"

"Yes please." I say before i kiss each one of my sons on the top of their head. All of them are seated at the counter. First the twins, Garrett and Grantt, then Gabe, Gager, Gale, Graham and Grady in the highchair. I take a seat at the counter as well, just as Grayson sets a plate of food in front of me. I dig right in, earning small laughs from everyone.

"Jeez Girl, slow down before you choke yourself." Clare says from behind me. I turn to look at my best friend.

"You know how dangerous my love of food is, i wouldn't be surprised." I say with a giggle. Grayson growls at my comment about choking.

"Chill out Alpha, she was joking." Clare says with a smile. Rianna steps out from behind Clare and walks over to Grantt.

"Good morning Pebbles. How did you sleep?" Grantt asks my best friends only daughter.

"Very well Bam-Bam, what's the plan for today?" She asks him sweetly, batting her eyes.

Grantt grabs her hand and pulls her behind him giggling. "Those two are going to be the death of me." Jace says. I didn't even know he was in here. "They shouldn't be alone, who knows what could happen."

"My son is not going to hurt her Jace, and will never let anyone hurt her. He loves her." Grayson points out.

"I know. It's just, she's my baby girl. And she's running off with a boy already." Jace says quietly.

Clare hits his chest, "Stop it J, you're going to make me cry."

"Calm down, Ms.Emotional." I say. Clare and Jace take a seat at the counter where my children were just sitting. "So what's new?" I ask anyone in general.

"There have been a lot of Rogue attacks on neighboring packs." Jace says.

"The Wind Chasers?" I look to Clare as I ask. I really hope that they're okay. Callie and i have become really close and are in contact with one another every two weeks either through letter or in person. I don't know what i would do if something happened to her or her children. Her whole family is incredible and truly amazing and kind. Her oldest daughter Caroline has been tracking Jazz and Cal's son for years and is so close to finding him, it would be awful if all of her hard work has gone to waste.

"No, they're fine." I let out a sigh of relief. "None of them have been hurt. Their pack actually hasn't even been touched. The pack of Rogue are staying away from them completely." Jace explains.

"Why? The Wind Chasers are a strong, but vulnerable pack. Their pack house is literally out in the open, very easy to attack and overcome. Why hasn't the pack of Rogue attacked them yet?" Grayson asks with furrowed.

"I have no idea." Jace finally says.

Just then Raven runs into the house, with his hair wind blown and a frazzled look on his face. "Alpha, a rogue has come onto our land."

"So what are you doing here? Has it been killed?" Grayson asks, suddenly raising his voice.

"That's why I'm here. Kylie has thrown herself on top of the Rogue, demanding that we don't touch him." Raven explains catching his breathe.

"Abigayle stay here with the kids." He orders me.

"No way. I'm coming." I tell him causing Grayson, Jace and Raven to turn around. Jace and Raven both have looks of amusement on their face and Grayson looks a tad bit shocked. I fold my arms across my chest and narrow my eyes, letting him know that I'm not going to back down.

"Fine. Clare do you mind staying and watching them?" He asks.

"No problem, Alpha." She says with a salute.

We are at the north gate in exactly two minutes. A wall of pack members is facing the gate, but quickly moves for Grayson and I. "Alpha. Luna." They all say with a bow.

Next i see Kylie with her small body covering a very large and bloody man. Her small, frail body is shaking violently, making me aware that she is crying. I go to her and put my hand on her back, rubbing it gently, trying to soothe her. "Kylie what is the meaning of this?" Grayson speaks.

She looks up with red, puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks. "You can't kill him." She squeaks out.

The man looks up at Grayson and suddenly back to Kylie. "Ky, it's okay." He says.

It's her brother. Can't you tell. I mean look at them, they're practically identical. Ayle tells me. She's right.

"You be quiet." Grayson yells at the Rogue in his Alpha voice, making Kylie flinch.

"Grayson." I say quietly and calmly. He looks at me and his almost gold eyes return to green. "Listen to what she has to say." I give Kylie an encouraging, knowing smile. She smiles back at me.

"Fine. Explain." He says harshly.

Kylie looks to me and i nod at her, telling her to tell him. "You can't kill him. You can't kill him because he's my brother."

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