Chapter 54

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With packs disappearing one by one, we have had to double our defense and train more wolves. Grayson, Grantt, Garrett, Gabe and hundreds of others have been training for the past few months, ready to fight if the Rogues attack any second. It scares me to think of my babies fighting to protect me and the pack, but i know that they're doing the right thing. Plus the Alpha blood that runs through them will keep them safer then most. I fear for the pack. How many could survive? It makes me sick to my stomach the number of lives that could be lost. I fear for neighboring packs. Mostly the Wind Chasers. I know that they are strong enough to fight for themselves but I fear for my friends life, and the life of her sons and daughters.

Clare enters the room, disrupting my train of thought. "All the kids are asleep. Finally." She says sighing loudly.

"Drink?" I ask her walking over to the fridge. But she is quickly in front of me blocking my way. "What are you doing?"

"Grayson said no heavy lifting." She says opening the fridge and retrieving the juice i was just going to get out.

The downfall of being 6 months pregnant, everyone thought that if i were to lift a feather it could harm the baby. "It's a container of juice. I am absolutely positive that lifting the juice is not going to affect the baby." I tell her with a hand on my hip.

"You can never be too careful." Clare says while pouring both of us a glass. She sets the now half full glass of juice in front of me. I stare at the glass not lifting it to my lips quite yet. "Is something wrong?" She asks with a worried expression.

"I'm scared. What's going to happen to us?" I ask her, already knowing the answer.

"Everyone is scared Abi. We have no idea what's going to happen, we don't know when the Rouges are going to attack and we don't know how many people are going to survive this. But we need to have faith. Faith and hope, because those are the only things that will help us win this. We will survive. We will take out the rouge pack. And then we can go back to having a normal life and raising our children. Watching them grow and have their own families. And then we'll be old and gray and we'll still be having normal lives because we conquered the rouge pack, and survived." Clare tells me with tears in her eyes. She places her hand on top of mine, giving me a look of reassurance. "Everything will work out."

"I hope so." I say before lifting the glass and bringing it to my lips. "Clare," I start.

"Yes?" She asks startled and worried.

"How many do you think we could take with us if we ran?" I say, almost at a whisper.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not entirely sure. Its just, I don't like the idea of everyone being in danger. If we took just a few of us and went into hiding, more of us would survive."

"Grayson wouldn't like this idea." Clare says shaking her head.

"But it's the best idea we've got." I tell her. I know how what my father would say about this plan, he'd call me a coward. He'd say I was running from the problem instead of facing it, and he's right. But if being a coward, will save my people, then that's what I'll have to do.

.:: Hello everyone. I am so sorry that I haven't updated. it feels like forever and it has been. I am also sorry that this chapter is super short. I have to get back into the swing of things and get in touch with the story again. but I promise that the next chapter will be worth it. happy reading. talk to you later loves. XOXO ::.

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