Chapter 45

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.::Hello everyone! So that didn't turn out exactly the way i thought it would, but hey, 5 comments are 5 comments. Plus i couldn't nit update, it was killing me. I know that nothing exciting has happened yet, but i promise it will. So please be patient. I'm going to ask that all of you tell at least 5 people about my book. Any of them really. Please, Help, Them or even Falling! Just share, share, share. Sharing is caring, so pleeeeeaaase share! I'm also going to ask that y'all comment more and vote! I really want to hear from y'all. Your thoughts on anything really. So please vote, comment and share. Happy reading! Talk to you later loves. XOXO::.

Abigayle's P.O.V.

I roll over in bed reaching my arms out for Graysons warm body, but whimper when i don't find him. I open my eyes and look around our room. The bed is empty, which never happens, the crib is empty, which is strange, and the house is extremely quiet. Maybe Grayson too them out this morning. I laugh to myself. There is no way that he took all three of them out by himself. Ayle tells me.

You never know. He could hav- My message to her was interrupted by a huge crashing sound from downstairs, and then the sound of crying.

Told you. She says.

Shut up.

I crawl out of bed and rush downstairs to see what happened. I see my two 5 year olds with their arms behind their backs, an innocent smile, and that 'i-didn't-do-it' expression. Behind them is a very furious and exhausted looking Grayson. "What happened here?" I ask no one in particular. Grayson lets out a huff and shifts his eyes to the boys. Of course. "Gentleman, anything to say for yourselves before Daddy tells me what happened?"

Garrett looks to Grantt to see if his big brother is going to crack. Grantt stares straight ahead, his expression not faltering at all. "No Mommy."

I walk over to Grayson and place my hands on his chest. His eyes slowly start changing from the fluorescent yellow to the deep dark green i fell in love with. I stand on my tip toes to give him a kiss. "Tell me." I say quietly, trying to keep him calm.

"I was making a bottle for Gabe when those two knuckleheads ran into the kitchen screaming about some toy they threw on the neighbors lawn. All morning i had slaved over my mothers lasagna, making it perfect for tonight, and when they came running into the kitchen they bumped it off the counter. Sending it straight to the floor. There's glass, pasta and meat sauce everywhere." He says. Not once opening his eyes. When he does finally open them they are green but with the golden yellow slowly replacing it.

"Where's Gabe now?" I ask him, my question laced with worry.

"In his high chair. He's fine. It's those two you should be worried about. I don't know if they got cut or not, i was too worried about the flying dish of lasagna hitting the floor." He says with a frown.

"I'll take care of them, while you go start on another lasagna." I kiss his lips again and send him off to the kitchen. I turn to face the twins. I walk over to them and squat down so that we are eye level. "Is there anything you'd like to say before i do?"

"I'm sorry Mommy." Garrett says through a sigh. i give him a small smile, knowing he meant it. I also have a feeling it wasn't his fault. Garrett has always been the quiet one, keeping to himself, being independent. While Grantt on the other hand was a totally different story.

I looked to the more troublesome twin. Grantt was always getting into trouble. Breaking things, fighting with others, we even got a call about him swearing at school! I mean how would he learn a swear word, Grayson and I don't swear ever. "Grantt?"

"The dish was too close to the edge of the counter." That little shit. It was hard holding back the smile and laughter i had for his comment. He knew it to because his smile grew when he looked at me.

"Both of you need to apologize to him. You will also help him clean the kitchen. Tonight is very important for Daddy and I, and that lasagna was important to Daddy. After you apologize you will go to your rooms. Do you understand me?"

"Yes Mommy." They say in unison and walk off to the kitchen with me close on their tail.

I walk into the kitchen and gasp at the mess. Grayson wasn't kidding when he said it was everywhere. I mean it was even on the ceiling, how does that happen? I laugh at the mess and then walk over to the high chair that holds my beautiful baby boy. I pick him up out of the seat and hold him close to me. He nuzzles his head into my neck and lets out a soft laugh.

"Oh my Moon Goddess, what happened in here?" Clare says as she walks into the kitchen. Rianna runs to Grantt and jumps in his arms giving him a huge hug. Jace is close behind Clare with a huge smile on his face.

He holds up a toy airplane that belongs to the twins. "Found this in our yard on our way over here."

"That's what you came in here hollering about?" Grayson yells at the boys. They both just shrug their shoulders and go back to what they were doing.

"Did someone get blown up here? My Moon Goddess." Miranda says from behind me.

"Can't be, there's not enough blood for it to be a person. Maybe a small animal?" Ravyn adds with a smirk playing at his lips.

"Ha ha very funny." I say to all of them. They all join in with my laughter.

"Why is everyone laughing? My Moon Goddess did someone get blow-" Marcus starts.

"Don't even ask." I cut him off. Cody takes Gabe from my arms and joins the other four 5 year olds in the living room. "So is everything set for tonight?" I ask everyone.

"Yes Luna." Kylie says. When did she get here?

"Good. Now, when they get here i need everyone to be calm and easy going. I don't want any surprises." Grayon orders his pack. Well our pack, even after all these years it felt weird saying 'Our Pack' .

"Understood. Alpha Johnathon should be here in 8 hours Alpha." Jace says.

8 hours? That doesn't seem like enough time to get everything ready. Ayle was on edge, something about a new pack moving into to town made us nervous. I mean who wouldn't be? A new pack I've never even heard of is going to be arriving here in 8 hours to live right next to our pack and my family.

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