Chapter 51

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Abigayles P.O.V.

"This isn't good." Jace exclaims.

Currently Jace, Clare, Raven, Miranda, Raven, Kylie, Jaxon, Marcus, Cody, Grayson and I are all gathered in Graysons office, discussing the Rogue problem. Just last night a whole pack was taken out not far from us. Everyone is worried, Grayson and I are trying to keep the pack calm, but it's hard. How do you tell your pack that a group of Rogues are terminating packs, but that they have nothing to worry about? You don't. I wish i had more information about the attacks, Callie has been telling me everything she hears, Grayson tells me everything and yet i still don't know enough about the Rogues.

"What are we going to do?" Kylie asks with a worried expression that i have seen way too much of. I look around the room at all of my friends. My family. Everyone wears the same expression and it saddens me.

"We train up." Cody blatantly replies with his heavy accent. Everyone nods in response.

Raven stands up from the couch, bringing Miranda with him. "Tell us what to do Alpha."

Mollys P.O.V

The number has increased. More and more join each day and it's a bit terrifying. Casey keeps telling me what they're doing is right and to not worry, but i can't help but think he's wrong. I let out a sigh and Connor's small body wiggles next to me. I smooth is hair down, smiling when his eyes flutter and a grin crawls on to his face. I slowly get out of bed not wanting to wake him, and make my way to the kitchen.

"How did things go?" Casey asks someone. Stepping further into the room i see it's Daniel. A rogue we met in Colorado. Daniel acts as Casey's second and in a way he is.

"Perfectly. The whole back, gone." Daniel says. I gasp, a whole pack? They must have heard me because both of their heads snap in my direction.

"Molly. I thought you were sleeping." Casey says, coming to my side.

"You killed an entire pack?" I ask the both of them, ignoring Casey's question.

"What do you think we've been doing Luna?" Daniel asks with a scoff. Casey growls at his disrespect. "I'm sorry."

"I didn't know you were killing whole packs Casey, that's not okay." I yell at him.

"Baby, calm down, it's fine. We are only doing this to destroy Grayson and Abigayle's pack." My eyes widen in shock.

"And how do you plan on doing that?" I ask him just above a whisper.

"With the help of an old friend." Casey says with a devilish smirk.

Callies P.O.V.

The news of the Rogue killing an entire pack has spread like wildfire and is extremely shocking. Johnathon however, seems unaffected. As if he knew it was going to happen. Allie, my wolf, keeps alerting me that something is wrong, but i can't seem to figure it out yet. I'm too busy with watching over my children, helping Caroline track Cal and Jazz's son as best as i can, and ready the house for our guests. One of Johnathon's friends is coming to visit, along with his wife and son. Allie doesn't trust them, even though she's never met them. I can already tell something is going to happen when Casey and Molly show up. I need to keep a close on all of my children. A scream interrupts my thoughts. I run to the location of the shriek. I find Caroline curled up in a ball in the middle of her room. I rush to her side when i notice she isn't moving. "Cari, what's wrong?" Her eyes are wide and she is staring straight ahead at the wall. I shake her. "Cari!" I yell.

"He's here." She whispers. I sit back and try to process what she just said.

Johnathon mind-links me a second after. Callie, Molly and Casey are here. Come say hello.

I'll be right there.

"Mom. It's him. Their 'son' isn't really theirs. It's him, i'm sure of it." Caroline tells me.

I don't want to believe her, but Allie tells me she's right. This can't be good. That feeling of fear and the need to protect my people washes pver me. Yup, this is definitely not going to be good.

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