~The new kid.~

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I loved the bus, it was away from home and away from my dad. When i got on, i noticed a hand waving to me from the back seat, it was kelsey my best friend since i can remember.

"Hey gurl get yo' butt back heree!" She said way to excitedly.

I walked back, sat down and kelsey started talking, i knew she'd never stop until we got to the school so i just sat back and listened. .

"Did you hear about the new kid Kai kai?"

"we got a new kid?" I asked suddenly very interested in what she was about to say.

"Yeah! I can't wait to see what he looks like hopefully he's cute." There she goes boy crazy as always. i was no where near boy crazy. I tried to avoid boys as much as possible, considering my dad and all.

20 minutes later we were parked in the parking lot of the school. I got off, and me and kelsey went out seprate ways, my first class was english so i headed up to the second floor room 146, i walked in and found a open seat at a desk for two. Then mrs. Barkley handed me a sheet to fill out at the top it said 'All about me.'

Awh shit i thought, i hate these things. About five minutes later everyone was in class and the seat next to me was still empty, wow, what a loser i am. I wouldn't want to sit by me either. I heard the door open and everything seemed to go into to slow motion, a boy walked in brown hair that fell over his eyes, he had bright blue eyes that were staring at me, his stare automatically made me feel insecure. He was tan, and had on blue converse with a black beanie and ripped back jeans, and a shirt that said 'Bro i ain't even mad.'On it. He may have been the cutest boy i had ever seen in my life. Then reality struck in, i was not going to start falling in love with this kid. That would be ridiculous. Im not boy crazy, im just, not like that.

I noticed him talking to the teacher, the teacher began to point t the seat next to me. 'oh, no no no.' i thought starting to sweat uncontrollably. He started walking to the empty seat. I felt my seat shift as he sat down. I dared to glance over, when i did i found he'd all ready been staring at me, and looked away quickly. I wanted to say something but i just couldn't.that would be wayy to awkward. After a very awkward hour of sitting there and not looking at eachother the dissmissal bell rang for that class. I walked out pretty darn fast and went to my locker. Seconds later i felt a tap on my shoulder i turned around nervous, and there he was just standing  there by my shoulder.

"Hey, uhm could i please get into my locker, its uhm right there" he pointed to the locker to my left.

"Oh, uhm sure, sorry i didn't know your locker was there. " my face turned red, i quickly grabbed my biology stuff and headed to my next class. Which thankfully kelsey was in. I really needed to talk to her.

I walked in and took my seat next to kelsey.

"Have you seen the new kid yet?" i asked her, i needed to know. This information was vital to my life.

" no, why? Is he hot?" she replied, all smiles. That really bothered me, i mean i didn't want her to start liking him too he'd definetly like her better. Wait was i saying? I dont like him, that would be ridiculous.

Next was lunch me kelsey walked there together, we sat at our usual loser table, just the two of us noone else. Seconds later another tap on my shoulder. I looked up at Kelsey she was basically drooling over whatever was standing behind me, suddenly i knew, it was that new kid. I turned around.

"C-can i sit with you guys?" he said in his very deep voice, it made me tingle.

"S-Sure" Did i just stutter? Did i really just stutter? Wow, this kid really had me falling for him if he made me  stutter. Maybe i was falling for him, Maybe Just maybe.

" He sat down in the chair next to mine, I looked over at Kelsey who was still drooling over his looks, Did she not notice how retarded she looked? This girl needs therapy, now.

"So whats your guys names?" He said with a small smile on his face barely showing his glimmering white teeth.

"KELSEY!" Kelsey practically screamed, me and the new kid, started laughing at the same time.This made me blush, I looked over at the new kid, he was blushing too. .

"uhm, nice to meet you KELSEY im sam" he said screaming kelseys name just as she had when she said it. This made me laugh again. And sam, sam was a cute name. It fit him perfectly.

"And you?" He said turning his whole body towards me.

"i'm Kailynn, Kay kay for short, well thats what Kelsey calls me." jeez i blabber to much. I really ned to get to the point faster, 

" Well nice to meet you Kailynn," he said as he grabbed my hand and shook it. the touch of his hand on mine made me want to faint, was i really falling for a guy? Maybe, just maybe.

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