~As Long As He Loves Me There's No More Pain.~

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The next day Sam and his parents picked me up from the hospital and brought me home to their house. I sat in the backseat with Sam, with my head on his shoulder and his head on my head. I never want to seperate from him. As long as he loved me my dad could never hurt me. When we got to his house he carried me to the couch and layed me down.

"Wanna watch a movie?!" He asked with a huge smile on his face.

"sure! Whatcha' got?!" He walked over to a shelf with like one hundred movies.

"Well we got...21 jumpstreet. Grownups, stepbrothers, the vo-.."

"shut up. Lets just watch 21 jumpstreet." I was not gonna let him sit there and name off one hundred movies.

He picked it up and put in the dvd player. Then came to the couch sat down, yawned and put his arm around me.

"wow, that was the oldest move ever." i poked him in the stomach, he poked my hip and i jumped ten feet in the air, he laughed.

"oh yeah so funny" i said sarcastically.

About a hour into the movie i layed my head on his shoulder and fell asleep.  

I woke up early the next morning, i couldn't get up because sam was laying ontop of me. I decided to poke him until i woke up.  He woke up immediatly. He growled at me then went into the kittchen to get some breakfast.

"Aye, get me some cheerios would ya?" I said happily.

"aye, you have to feet get up and get yourself" he winked at me and crawled off the couch and into the kitchen, i found the cheerios and poured myself some. Moments later the door to sam's parents room opened and they came out and wished me a goodmorning, i wanted parents like these, not ones that abused me just for being born, or ones that blamed me for my mothers death.

"Kailynn you know you have permission to stay here as long as you wish."

"Thank you, but my dad might get mad if i dont come home soon." god, i really did just want to stay here, but what if my dad came to take me back? That would be terrible. Sam glared at me, knowing i didnt want to go home to my abusive dad.

After we were done talking with his parents, sam took my hand turned me towards him and said "Go home get your bathing suit and meet me on the porch." i knew what he had planned, the lake. This was going to be great.

I ran through the cornfield as happy as i could possibly be, when i reached my house no lights came on, i tiptoed inside careful not to make a sound. I heard moans and groans coming from my dads room, oh god, i Didn't want to think what was going on in that room. The noises pissed me off. I ran in my room grabbed my bathing suit and darted out the door. I ran as fast as i could through the cornfield and straight to sams porch i ran throught the door into the bathroom and locked the door, then all the tears came.  I couldn't believe what i had heard coming from that room, i heard a knock on the door, i swallowed my tears and changed into my bathing suit opened the door, and fell into sams arms.

"What happened, why were you crying?" He asked worried, he checked for scars or wounds, he found nothing and looked back at my face.

"When i g-got back i heard noises coming from my dads room and and he was h-having s-s-sex with that woman!" I started shaking from crying so hard, he torturing me by replacing mom, the worst possible way to injure me.

Sam kissed me and hugged me all the way to the tree, i climbed up on the branch that over looked the lake and just sat there holding back the tears that wanted so badly to come out.  Sam came up and held me, whenever he holds me it makes everything better, it makes me forget all the bad things in my life, and remeber the good things. If he ever stops loving me i'll have nothing to live for, i'd just let my dad beat me to death without a care in the world.

After ten minutes of sitting on the branch, sam grabbed  my hand and led me down from the tree, we walked to the edge of the lake and stepped in the water was icy cold, i cringed when my foot touched it.

"Lil cold huh?" He said laughing.

"N-n-n-not r-really" i was stuttering with coldness, my lips were blue i knew it they turn blew so easily that its kind of ironic.

We swam for five minutes before we got out so we didn't get hypothermia. We walked up to the tree afterwards only to find out we had forgotten towels.

"Uhm, lets run to house before we freeze our asses off." sam said laughing hysterically.

We darted to the house, ran in and ran for the towel closet, i was shivering it was so cold. I layed down on the couch and immediatly fell asleep.

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